dCity Taxes Are High: I'm Trying These...

It's not possible to make a good SIM income πŸ“‰πŸ’° these days on dCity with these taxes. I am trying a different approach that I am sharing here.

Let me start with a premise: I am super new to dCity. I started "playing" at the beginning of September. I am total noob πŸ‘Ά

Thus, do your own research and check what I am saying is actually correct and doable. Any comments, help and advice in the comments would be highly appreciated.


We Have a Problem: High Taxes in dCity

At the time of writing this, taxes in dCity are at an astronomical level (I know, they've been even higher…), as you can see from the image below πŸ‘‡ It's insane!


The reason for this is beyond the scope of this post. You can find a lot of articles on Hive, PeakD and probably even on LeoFinance if you want to find out more.

Instead, let me share with you how I'm thinking about approaching the game for the next few months.

Shifting the Focus

Given the high taxes, I am shifting my focus more towards optimizing my city in a way that'll earn me passive income while I wait for taxes to get back to a human-being-bearable level; at which point I'll start building my city again.

So, instead on purchasing building to increase income figure (image below πŸ‘‡)...


...I will go ahead and work to accumulate:

More SIM power to get more HIVE tokens: Remember, as you can see below, "...with over 8000 SIM Power you will receive holding rewards (in HIVE) every day."


More Casinos, Weed Farms, Breweries, Stadiums (+ Gamers and ProGamers): These will produce GAMER tokens, WEED tokens, BEER tokens, and ENTRY tokens; which are paid daily.


So, again, given the high taxes that curb my growth (SIM income), I'll focus on earning other tokens.

When taxes will be back to normal, I'll go back to playing properly.

Exploiting SWAP.HIVE:SIM Liquidity Pool Rewards

My last strategy is adding as much liquidity to the SWAP.HIVE:SIM as I possibly can.

Adding to the pool will increase my SIM Power, and therefore reward me with HIVE tokens daily.

How do you do that?

You can find the new swap option in the menu, as shown below. It's right into dCity (it was not like that before apparently).


You have to have both SWAP.HIVE and SIM in your wallet to add liquidity.

If you don't have both, you can swap some of your SIM to SWAP.HIVE and then add liquidity.

But SIM Power is not the only benefit you get when adding liquidity. You'll also get rewards.

What rewards do you get?

Liquidity rewards should roughly be 1-5M SIM monthly. This could change in the future though; so take advantage of it now!

For every day you're in the pool providing liquidity, you'll receive a 10% bonus to reward shares, up to 300% (30 days per round). This also could change in the future (see: @dcitygame/swaphivesim-liquidity-pool-rewards)

And remember, your SIM Power will increase even if you add liquidity. This way, your pooled SIM will earn you rewards but also SIM Power.

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