My Child Lebensborn #4 - Los Problemas Aumentan | My Child Lebensborn #4 - Problems Increase


¡Que onda mis estimados amigos Hivers!, en esta nueva oportunidad en mi canal de 3Speak les traigo la continuación de mi serie de My Child Lebensborn, esta seria las cuarta parte, en el capitulo anterior nos habíamos quedado cuando los compañeros de Klaus lo golpearon y le rompieron su mochila, pero este nuevo capitulo los problemas no parecen terminar.


What's up my dear friends Hivers, in this new opportunity in my 3Speak channel I bring you the continuation of my My Child Lebensborn series, this would be the fourth part, in the previous chapter we had stayed when Klaus's classmates beat him and broke his backpack, but this new chapter the problems don't seem to end.

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Primer día de tres grabados en el capitulo.

Amanecemos en un nuevo día, al ver a Klaus notamos que esta muy desanimado, mientras ambos nos preparábamos para salir a la escuela y al trabajo nos dice que el sabe que los mayores deben ir a al colegio pero que se le hace difícil con los problemas.

Antes de salir obvie darle la carta que escribí a su profesora el día anterior para que parara el abuso de los otros estudiantes hacia Klaus, porque tuve la leve sospecha que con eso la profesora lo iba a tratar aun peor, y solo le dije a Klaus antes de despedirnos que solo evitara a esos niños malos.

Al regresar a casa del trabajo nos encontramos a Klaus escondido en el armario de su cuarto y se le veía que paso un mal día, nos cuenta que hoy tuvieron clases sobre la segunda guerra mundial y que la profesora lo humillo enviándolo al frente de pie toda la clase con las manos extendidas y que todos lo miraron feo.

First day of three recorded in the chapter.

We wake up to a new day, when we see Klaus we notice that he is very discouraged, while we were both getting ready to leave for school and work he tells us that he knows that the older ones should go to school but that it is difficult for him because of the problems.

Before leaving I forgot to give him the letter I wrote to his teacher the day before to stop the abuse of the other students towards Klaus, because I had the slight suspicion that with that the teacher was going to treat him even worse, and I just told Klaus before we said goodbye to just avoid those bad kids.

When we returned home from work we found Klaus hiding in the closet of his room and he was having a bad day, he told us that today they had a class about the second world war and that the teacher humiliated him by sending him to the front standing up the whole class with his hands outstretched and that everyone looked at him ugly.

Segundo día de tres grabados en el capitulo.

Al amanecer de este nuevo día, al pobre Klaus se le nota aun mas deprimido, luego de prepararlo para ir al colegio solo le dije que aguantara hasta el final de la clase y que igualmente evitara a esos niños malos y a la profesora, luego de estos nos despedimos.

Al salir de la fabrica pase por la tienda del pueblo para comprar comida ya que nos quedaba poca comida, luego me fui a casa, al llegar nos encontramos a Klaus mucho mas triste y nos pregunta de porque le dicen bebe Alemán ya que el no es Alemán, ya que su profesora dijo en toda la clase que el es un bebe alemán, luego de decirle que no le haga a su profesora ya que el es noruego no alemán, pero el luego se confunde y nos pregunto de porque ella diría eso .

Así que ese momento tuve un dilema de contarle sobre que su padre era alemán y que era un soldado nazi, pero luego de pensar y aunque fuera algo duro de explicar a un niño, pero es para quedar bien bien con y no ocultarla información de su papa para luego en el futuro no tenga rencor por no contárselo.

Le conté que su papa era un soldado alemán que estuvo en noruega durante la guerra, y que su mama lo dio en adopción porque su padre era alemán al finalizar la guerra, al finalizar el aunque se pone triste me da la gracias por contárselo.

Second day of three recorded in the chapter.

At the dawn of this new day, poor Klaus is even more depressed, after preparing him to go to school I just told him to hold on until the end of the class and to avoid those bad kids and the teacher, after that we said goodbye.

When we left the factory I went to the village store to buy food since we had little food left, then I went home, when we arrived we found Klaus much sadder and he asked us why they call him German baby since he is not German, since his teacher said in the whole class that he is a German baby, after telling him not to do it to his teacher since he is Norwegian not German, but then he got confused and asked us why she would say that.

So at that moment I had a dilemma to tell him about his father being German and that he was a Nazi soldier, but after thinking and even though it was a hard thing to explain to a child, but it is to look good with and not hide information from his father so that in the future he will not resent not telling him.

I told him that his father was a German soldier who was in Norway during the war, and that his mother gave him up for adoption because his father was German at the end of the war, at the end of the war, although he was sad, he thanked me for telling him.

Tercer día de tres grabados en el capitulo.

Luego del día anterior hay un salto temporal de 2 semanas, luego de estas semanas que pasaron al ver a Klaus no se le nota triste, tiene su carita sonriente como los primeros días.

Este nuevo día era un día de colegio y de trabajo, así que prepare a Klaus dándole un ducha y le di de comer, luego antes de salir Klaus nos cuenta que quisiera que los niños del colegio lo llamaran por su nombre y no como bebe alemán, que quisiera ir un día al colegio con sus padres biológicos para que ellos dejen de decirle eso, luego de esto me pregunta si ya se quienes son los padres de el, yo le respondí aun no lo se pero que un sigo buscando información, así que luego de estos nos despedimos.

Al regresar por la tarde nos encontramos a Klaus animado, ya que el la clase de animales del profesor don berg para el día siguiente tiene su primer examen y que quiere que le ayude a estudiar y bueno pasamos la tarde ayudando a Klaus a estudiar para su examen, el estuvo muy contento de que le haya ayudado, el resto del dia nos las pasamos jugando con su pelota.

Ya en la noche antes de dormir Klaus nos cuenta que esta nervioso para el examen pero que esta seguro ya que le ayude a estudiar, yo le conteste de que todo le ira genial.

Third day of three recorded in the chapter.

After the previous day there is a time jump of 2 weeks, after these weeks that passed, when we see Klaus, he doesn't look sad, he has his smiling face like the first days.

This new day was a day of school and work, so I prepared Klaus by giving him a shower and fed him, then before leaving Klaus tells us that he would like the children at school to call him by his name and not as a German baby, he would like to go to school one day with his biological parents so that they stop telling him that, after this he asks me if I know who his parents are, I answered that I still don't know but I am still looking for information, so after this we said goodbye.

When we came back in the afternoon we found Klaus in high spirits, since he has his first exam the next day and he wants me to help him to study and we spent the afternoon helping Klaus to study for his exam, he was very happy that I helped him, the rest of the day we spent playing with his ball.

At night before going to sleep Klaus tells us that he is nervous for the exam but that he is sure that I will help him study, I told him that everything will be great for him.

Y bueno mis amigo hasta aquí llega el cuarto episodio de mi serie de My Child Lebensborn, en el cual los problemas de Klaus en el colegio aumentaron y empeoraron, creo que tuve la razón de no enviarle la carta pidiendo a la profesora para que calmara a los demás niños, ya que hubiese humillado aun peor al pobre Klaus.

Muchas gracias por ver y hasta la próxima...

And well my friends, so much for the fourth episode of my My Child Lebensborn series, in which Klaus' problems at school got worse and worse, I think I was right not to send the letter asking the teacher to calm down the other kids, as it would have humiliated poor Klaus even worse.

Thank you very much for watching and see you next time....

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