My mums oleanders ~ white pride #alwaysaflower


This blog is about OLEANDERS




In her small garden here in Italy my mum has her white pride. Her oleanders are on the side near the lake. They are white and pink. Today I share the white ones.
Oleanders are a main feature here and on many Mediterranean gardens, widely used for screen planting, on hillsides and alongside roads or in our case near the lake. Flowering in summer, the large open clusters can be single or double, and come in many colours including white, pink, red and peach. My mum has pink and white. Upright stems are clothed with evergreen leaves which are long, slender, and an attractive shade of silvery-green. Like silk. And at night they even attrack insects. I tried to capture it with the nightlight.


Oleander, the Nerium oleander, comes in a wide range of color varieties although plants are usually sold just by colour rather than name. White, red and pink flowered forms are most widely available.
Here you see them everywhere and the fact that they are extremely poisonous was something I didn’t know!


Every part of the oleander plant is extremely poisonous and consuming even a small amount can be fatal, so it’s wise not to grow oleanders where there are children and pets. So this time with the baby of my brother that part of the small garden is off limits. Also the foliage may cause skin irritations. Wash hands thoroughly after handling or pruning, and ideally wear gloves.

( I had to look this up on internet: )



Good light is essential for oleanders to produce flowers. I brought a few branches last year to plant in our garden at home, but it didn’t work. Holland has to little sun I think. And they died really quick. Maybe I will try again this year.


Oleanders need regular watering from spring to autumn to keep the compost evenly moist , with water so near from the lake and the fact that it also rains very often for a small period of minutes and heavenly that helps to let them florish. It’s especially important that plants don’t go short of water in spring when flower buds are forming. And if they don’t florish this year than they will problably will not form flowers next year. So the plant stays green leaved.


Some of the flowers on this oleander are affected by the fungus Ascochyta: brown spots development in the leaf axils and in the leaves and the young shoots wither, but also in the flowers. The fungus apparently spreads through water droplets. So with rain that is very hard to stop. The plant must immediately put out of the rain. That is not possible with this one because it is a bush in the earth. Fortunately, it is not with all the bush but according to my mother you can cut those flowers off but she won't because the overall bush is very beautiful.

So yes they are in the pictures. I uses night light and flash. I will add some pink ones this week to only that oleander is different for some reason the pink flowers are only at the top.


For more information and know how :


Pictures are all mine made in my parents garden at lake Garda.


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Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals.

Sources used : It is mentioned in my blog.
When the source is missing, please tell me I am only human and don’t want to do anything wrong or even plagiarise. I do make mistakes. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone for my images.

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Date : 18 July 2021

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