Food for thought

Misuse, overuse, and underuse (MOU). These three things constitute the "Abuse of shine". Your shine can be misused in the wrong organization, relationship, or environment. Worse still, it can be overused till your value depreciate to the extent that your shine is seen as common. The painful part is when your shine is underused because an arbitrary impermeable barrier or mindset prevents you from seeing beyond the immediate. When you encounter any of these three things it is best to appraise the utility and relevance of your shine. Sell your brain and brawls to those that know your worth and seek to better your lot.

Know the enemies of your shine. Sometimes, we are the ones stopping ourselves from shining. By being our own enemy. It is composite of our past fear, trauma, feeling, affection procrastination, and difference that trap us in unbelief. Until we conquer these inner demons, there will always be a cap on how much we can manifest. In the end it is our responsibility to determine if our shine will inspire or expire.

Guard your shine.
#aliveandthriving #alive #silverbloggers

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