Sunday Assorted Food

I was not in a perfect condition to move yesterday. Laziness visited my nerves. I did my daily routine but in terms of cooking, I preferred buying for our quick lunch.


Chicken barbeque is better with the hot sauce they gave me. It was made up of soy sauce, garlic, onions, hot pepper, venigar, and lemon. It was perfect and satisfied my taste. Well, I choose the restaurant that I have always been buying for a long time.

Tokwa With Pork


Tokwat Baboy is a Filipino recipe that is made up of of boiled pork from either both pig’s ears and pork belly usually and fried tofu. The sauce that is made up of vinegar and soy sauce gives life and aroma to this dish



Chicharon are made of pork rinds deep-fried until the color becomes golden brown. It is delicious crispy that we love eating most of the time.

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