Kani Bot - v1.5.0 update - Feature to subscribe for multiple months

After a long time, for the past few weeks, I was able to spare some time to work on some enhancements for the bots that I have developed. This was one of the long-awaited feature in Kani bot. The subscribers wanted to pay and get subscribed for multiple months in one shot. Today I have released this feature for Kani bot.

Last week I worked on this feature and I was testing it out during the weekends. As I was coding after a long gap, it took me some time to get back to speed. I managed to somehow code it without wasting so much of my time. Especially during the weekend, I had some time to play around and see what other enhancements I can bring for the bot. I have a few other items lined up as well. But for now, before I start off with other updates, I wanted to just push this one as an update to the bot.

There has been a change now in the subscribe command. Below is the list of all the commands that are currently available in Kani bot.

There has been a change to the subscribe command. In the subscribe command you have to now specify the number of months to generate a subscription memo. If the old command is used, you will get a message similar to below:

The subscription can be initiated for a maximum of 12 months in one shot with a 1 month subscription as the minimum value. After the command is used the other procedures are the same. You will be getting a message in DM with a memo and you can follow the instructions from the bot.

I will try to add some more cool features to the bot in the future. If you have any suggestions or issues or ideas for Kani bot, please contact me in Discord. You can also visit the Kani Bot discord server to share your views.

Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/S4x6PFz

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