Taking Back America continues with the clickbait titles that are mostly lies

I wonder how many people out there read a news aggregate just to see the headlines and the carefully selected picture and may a few words but never actually read the articles. I think that Taking Back America, which is a really really silly Telegram channel that provides news from the most conservative website that they can possibly find, does with basically every bit of information they attempt to push on their readers.

I joined TBA for the simple reason that I like to try to find news from all spectrums. I have looked for liberal telegram channels and I am sure they exist, but conservative ones are more popular there because liberals already control all the other forms or media and probably didn't need to.

Anyway, I found another fantastic example of what Taking Back America does to their readers and while I do lean conservative, I am neither a R or a D. The people who take these sort of clickbait headlines to heart, then don't even read the article are going to end up being the dumbest people on the planet.

Here is the blurb from the Taking Back American feed


If you really hated Biden this would probably make you jump for joy. I know a few people that really hate Biden and I believe there are plenty of reasons to not like the guy... the main one being that he is a politician of course.

The problem with this blurb is that most of the people probably wont even click to the article as they swipe swipe swipe down the screen reading headlines and perhaps getting involved in the comments and all the while if they had just clicked on the actual link they would see that the headlines in the blurb is not actually what the article in question actually says.


I don't know know how clever you are, but can you spot the difference between the two stories? The first one presents the headline along with a picture of Biden at a podium as though this is an announcement that he actually made when in reality the story is that it was a f**king poll that they took. Let me tell you a little thing about polls, like all of them: While I do believe that the people are correct to presume that Biden won't seek a second term polls don't mean jack squat. They normally involve just a few hundred to a thousand people and the results can be manipulated any way that the particular news outlet wants it to be.

Taking Back America is doing this with a lot of the stories they feature. The articles are real articles sure, but he headlines they decide to feature on their news feed are completely made up by them.

Things like this are the reason why most people don't really have any idea what is going on in the world at any given point in time. Things like this are the reason why people are hyper-partisan and they aren't really even sure why. Things like this are detrimental to society no matter where you are politically. Things like Taking Back America are....


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