Do you admit that you are envious?

Envy is one of the hardest feelings to admit. Maybe I'm just admitting in this post myself because I'm not showing my face...

Envy sometimes bothers me a little. I look at what people have and I think I wanted the same, and sometimes I start looking for why those people don't deserve to have what they have and why I deserve it.

It's a feeling that hurts me inside. But, that's what envy does, it makes us die a little inside ourselves. But how to stop desiring what the other has or how to stop judging whether the other deserves to have or not?

I'm still discovering, but I try to nurture a feeling of happiness for the other. It's a little difficult at first, because that strong feeling you have that the person doesn't deserve it, it's very dense. But I tend to assign a different meaning, I try to think that there is a reason why that person deserve those things for more than in my judgment he doesn't deserve it. So I question my judgments and ask myself why am I right.

Sorry for showing this envious side, but I'm showing you to also look for the envious side of you, look at it closely and decide to work on it. Face your ugly side, get to know yourself, because that's the only way you can truly change, that's the only way you can transcend.


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