The Current Meta: Free 1000+ Rating with Water Mages

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The Prologue:

Have you seen a lot of water decks lately? How there are 1400+ rating players with less than 100 power? This is the current water mages meta.

There are two versions of this strategy. I will mention both. One is you only need to buy/rent one card, and the other consists of renting a few more but both strategies are quite cheap.

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The Strategy:

Standard version:

The main thing that you need to rent is the Kelp Initiate.

Kelp initiate is the main tank. He has 5 health and 5 speed which means he is not only good on soaking up damage but there is also high chance that your opponent's attacks would miss. However, the main attraction of this card are not those but the mana. He has 2 mana which means he is a MUST HAVE for water mages. He also soft counters Mylar decks. Mylar gives his team thorns which means any melee that attacks them gets -2 damage. Since kelp cannot attack, he won't receive any thorns damage.

Other than Kelp Initiate, the other cards you will employ for the strategy are the mages you can get when you buy a spellbook. This is composed of Medusa, Ice Pixie, Enchanted Pixie and Elven Mystic. All of them are free. They all have mana of 4 or lower and has 1 magic damage.

To end the strategy, this would be lead by summoner Alric Stormbringer

He provides a +1 damage to all magic types which is essentially your whole lineup. Magic has a special property of bypassing armor which makes this build super strong and most of all, super cheap.

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Upgraded Version:

This deck is the same as the standard version but is composed of three rented/bought cards:

I already explained why Kelp initiate is important in the mage build so I am skipping him.

The second one, and I think is really underrated is Captain's Ghost. He costs 7 mana but has 7 HP, 2 Magic damage, and 1 speed. He acts as an off tank (second tank) on my builds due to his high HP.
Another advantage which is normally disregarded is his Affliction ability. A monster affected by this ability are not able to heal from his own effect, summoner effect or another card. This is a really strong effect since most of the build that employs tank, normally has tank heal which is negated by affliction.

Last would be Venari Wavesmith. He has 5 mana cost, 3 health, 1 magic damage and 2 speed. What makes this creature amazing is not only he has a magic damage which is amplified by Alric, but he has an ability called Protect.
Protect gives all creatures +2 shields. This protects your backrow from sneak, snipe, blast, and opportunist abilities. Mages have absurdly low health. This card buffs them up from being 1 hit by literally any other creatures in the game. You can easily get to 1000 rating with this cheap build.

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All builds have weaknesses. This build has too. Both of this lineup loses to Earth Decks and Bortus Water decks but should win against everything else. As for specific lineup on how to defeat these decks, that's a story for another day.
You can easily get to 1000 rating with this cheap build.You can easily get to
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The Battle:

Here are some examples of both line ups. My opponent used the standard strategy here. While I used my upgraded version here.

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The End:

Please consider using my referral:

for possible rewards. You may get a free card that may cost up to $11,000 if you sell it on the marketplace.

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If you have any questions, suggested combos, any violent reactions, feel free to comment it down below.

Good day and see you in the Arena.

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