How I created a green garden. Small. Painful:)

Hi, guys!

Today I will tell you a funny story about how I got about twenty extra holes in my body. Nothing like that, very small, but still, it seems to me that today I understood something new about life, death and the universe.

Know this: cacti tend to prick!

Every year my friend posts to Instagram history the moment when her cactus blooms. As I understand it, they bloom only one day, and not more often than once a year. So every time this is an event. Many times I asked her about how to make the cactus bloom, what conditions must be met. And every time she told me that she just didn’t do anything with them at all, apparently, she even forgets to water from time to time. As far as I understand, cacti bloom from stress, and here she provides them with this stress.

I also wanted to get myself a couple of cacti. Maybe I will deal with them? I do not know how to handle plants at all, besides, at my house all the windows face north, there is little daylight, even I do not have enough of it, not like the plants. But for the cacti, I asked my husband to make a special shelf, on which I then plan to add lighting to give them at least approximately the required amount of light.

I ordered beautiful pots for succulents, author's modeling. And here the difficulties began. My cacti just didn't fit in these pots!
yes, even if they could fit comfortably - it's still a problem, because you need to find a way to grab the cactus itself in order to transplant it.
In general, I pricked all my hands. And the result so far is this:





See you in the next post!
Love, Inber

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