Honey-Combed Caches, New Poetry, Digital Art and Photography, Russel Brand Response Blog, An Infant Army is Born, Poetry Revisited

Honey-Combed Caches

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drunk on nectar

fumbling and flitting

among the early
autumn petals


a sugar seeking
gathers sweetness

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clumsily racing
the merger
of a salty wind
with a growing
Arctic front


jewelled and geometric
honey-combed caches

next season's provisions
for a queen of creation
her golden chambers
her springtime


Some of you may still be buying into the legacy media's narrative and indeed still believe that it is a virus that we are at war with. NO NO NO.

Baby bees, you gotta start listening to those people who stand firm against the mandates and in defence of bodily sovereignty, despite being thrust into a lower caste to do so. Why?

They are firing doctors, nurses, and first responders during a pandemic, many who posses natural immunity to C-19. This is not a scientific move, but it is a move that will hamstring our hospitals and care facilities. It is a move that will result in increased deaths and increased poverty, all to coerce a treatment that is very, very flawed and comes with its own risks, like no other vaccine used before.

They are holding up cargo ships in ports; we can assume food and medical supplies are within these ships. I don't know how but they will find some way to scapegoat those they wish to malign, those that will not comply.

They control major media outlets.

CNN does NOT employ journalists or doctors; at least not for long; for anyone who stays with the network will in short order have to sacrifice integrity and their hippocratic oath. Joe and yourself are rather diplomatic but they do not deserve your diplomacy. They are purposefully putting children at risk ... and choosing to remain purposefully ignorant counts as purposefully putting children at risk. The task now for all good people is to speak out.

You may have complied and submitted to the MRNA treatments, and it may afford a very small amount of protection agains the SARS COV 2 virus. But I am going to be brutal with you. It has NOT made you one IOTA healthier. You are still at risk from every health woe you were at risk from before. Only more at risk because a significant amount of people that could have helped you will not be able to anymore. The supplies and aid you will need are sitting adrift.


An Infant Army is Born

a smashed bubble
over a watery view
spreads its pearlescent
sudsy sea foam

aqua-marine stained rosé

blackened ships
morbid metal, inert fiber glass
haunt and float, hovering
not-quite immersed


unseen, below
more liquid entities
settle, find a new reef
to call home

a charred hull is a microcosm
bivalves, barnacles, worms
the protoplasmic and the minuscule
for a time closed up, protected
membranes folded, shells sealed

one must stick her neck out
if she wishes to feed and procreate

plankton blooms, minerals dissolve
meld and bleed with the saline


the moon rises
the tide pulses
there is a release

the watery world is amniotic
an infant army is born
transparent and legion

swim little orphans
invade a new death perch
bring it to life again



Words and Images are my own.

Honey-Combed Caches was first published today.

An Infant Army is Born is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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