
I have an app with which I track my habits. I can add whatever I want as a habit and at the end of the day, I check what I've done. Today (20th of June 2021) marks two years of doing something photography-related every single day. 732 days, to be precise. And at first, it was hard, just like with everything else in life. I had days in which I didn't feel like picking up the camera or didn't even have one to pick up. I had days in which I didn't have the motivation to edit the thousands of photographs I have piled up in my laptop and days in which I was so busy with everything else happening that by the end of it all I wanted to do is go straight to bed. But I knew I had to do something, even if it was small, like watching a video on night photography. Just enough so it could count.




And as the days went by it got easier and easier. Now it's like second nature to me. I no longer have to think about what to do so I can check the box, by the end of the day I have already done something.



And honestly, I am really glad I committed to this, I see my progress and I see all of the hard work I've put into growing my photography skills. This journey I decided to take on is one I will never regret.




If there's one thing I want you to get out of this it's that small actions every day can make a huge difference in time. All the quotes you see on social media are for real. Do the work, it will pay off. Even if it doesn't feel like it at the time, when you look back you will see it. Trust me and just start doing more of what you enjoy.

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