Day two of Zavoj Lake story, Serbia - Photo Of The Day #649

Day two of Zavoj Lake story, Serbia 😃

Daily Photography #649


Zavojsko Jezero (Dan II)

Zavoj Lake (Day II)

Zavojsko jezero nastalo je specifičnim procesom i predstavlja jedini takav fenomen takve vrste na teritoriji Srbije. Prirodna brana nastala je posle obilnih padavina sredinom prethodnog veka.   Zavojsko Lake was created by a specific process and it is the only such phenomenon in the territory of Serbia. The natural dam was created after heavy rainfall in the middle of the previous century. 
Neplanska seča šume dovela je do nestabilnosti zemljišta. Ono je nakon obilnih padavina počelo da klizi. Zapisi govore o tome da je klizište bilo dugo 1.3 km sa širinom od 160 do 220 metara. Procene govore o zapremini od 240.000 metara kubnih zemlje koja je pregradila reku i prekinula njen prirodni tok.  Unplanned deforestation has led to land instability. Land started to slide after heavy rains. Records show that the landslide was 1.3 km long with a width of 160 to 220 meters. Estimated volume was 240,000 cubic meters of land that blocked the river and interrupted its natural flow.  
Nestabilnost prirodne brane je pretila da izazove bujicu od koje bi stradala sva naselja u donjem toku reke. Brzom reakcijom vojske, brana je sanirana i ojačana veštačkom branom koja i danas postoji.   The instability of the natural dam threatened to cause a torrent that would destroy all settlements in the lower course of the river. With the quick reaction of the army, the dam was repaired and strengthened with an artificial dam, which still exists today.  



Sony A6000 & Sony E 18-135mm
1/500 sec

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