streams of significance

Have you also learned that secret from the river;
that there is no such thing as time?
That the river is everywhere at the same time,
at the source and at the mouth,
at the waterfall, at the ferry,
at the current,
in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere
and that the present only exists for it,
not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

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Man does not simply exist
but always decides what his existence will be,
what he will become the next moment.
By the same token,
every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.
Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

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It's not that your most important work is meaningless;
it's that your most trivial movements are also significant.
David Jeremiah, How to Find What Really Matters in Life

photos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 18-55mm | 55mm-200mm
Adobe Lightroom

© 2018, © all rights reserved

photo location - Shannon Creek, Stawamus Chief, Squamish, BC

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