Anthropological Remnants

This is a conceptual series I made for one of my University subjects, a bit of a thought piece and a bit of fun.


Earth has been here for about 4.6 billion years, if we scale that onto a 12 hour clock, we humans have existed for little more than a second.

What if we were able to view our human lives from that high of a time frame, or say from that of an ancient Bristlecone Pine that lives for thousands of years, or of a distant star?

What would be observed? What do we humans leave behind when viewed from these perspectives?


When we leave our shutter open for more than a second, we begin to get an idea of what that might look like.

Imagine leaving your shutter open for 4.6 billion years, depending on what it is you are capturing, almost everything would be a blur (let’s ignore how over exposed it would be.)

Even here at 30 seconds we humans disappear into the background only showing up as a ghostly apparition when we pause long enough to reflect some light back at the observer.

What does remain is our technology, like our buildings and our artificial lighting. The manifestations our consciousness has bought into this material, third dimensional realm.

However at a 4.6 billion year exposure our buildings too, blur into obscurity.


As life arose from the primordial soup, fed by the light of the sun, held by mother earth, it evolved to form its own sources of light. Like fireflies and dinoflagellates using bio-luminescence, we humans to have found ways to generate our own light.

But why is that relevant? Well, light as well as sound permeate this perspective of time, they stand out just as stars do in the night sky.

Standing still, they highlight a point in space, but as they move, they draw a path in time, alluding to there being other forces at play. Those forces here are human life, consciousness coupled with our bodies to transform basic elements into a brilliant light and sound show that is seen and felt beyond our own frame of reference.


Even though we ourselves disappear, the signs of our activity truly come alive at night as we light our buildings and streets; turn our head lights on and commute in our different forms of transportation; and for some turn on the lasers, projectors and crank the system to 11.

What we leave is a dance of light, colour, and sound, and if our Bristlecone Pine is lucky enough, one of us might just slow down long enough to appear as a ghostly apparition amidst the dance to say hi before melding back into eternity.

These are available as NFT's in my Litemint gallery.

Thank you for taking the time to view my work.

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