PhotoBomb challenge #187 - Entry #3



She was known as the priestess of the cobra and many traveled miles, sometimes crossing high snowy peaks, just to get a response on the dilemmas that life posed. She listened to the questions without uttering a word, then whispered incomprehensible verses to the cobra and from his movements she drew her unappealable conclusions. She was compensated with spices, flowers and drapery. She dedicated a lot of time to meditation and at night she fixed her gaze on the starry sky as if to decipher a message intended for her.


Era conosciuta come la sacerdotessa del cobra ed in molti percorrevano kilometri, talvolta attraversando alte vette nevose, solo per avere un responso sui dilemmi che la vita poneva. Lei ascoltava i quesiti senza proferire parola, quindi sussurrava al cobra versi incomprensibili e dalle movenze di questo traeva le sue inappellabili conclusioni. Veniva compensata con spezie, fiori e drappeggi. Dedicava molto tempo alla meditazione e la notte fissava lo sguardo al cielo stellato come per decifrare un messaggio a lei destinato.

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