Some Random Curmudgeonly Rumblings...

"And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” "
- Jesus, Matthew 13:52 -

Today I was musing about some things...

As has so often happened during the last ten months since I joined Steemit, thoughts of upcoming articles have been rumbling through my brain.

Where have I been on Steemit? Where am I going? So many articles, so little time...


Photo courtesy of Tomas Sobek and

As I observe the incredible successes of some other Steemians,

I find myself tempted to tighten my focus. My impression, right or wrong, is that those who focus on one or two topical areas seem to rise toward the top of the "trending" column more often.

But, much as I would love to trend and achieve large enough Steem payouts to live on, that is really not why I am here.

I am a generalist.

While it is true that I have certain interests that may drive me more than others, I really am interested in everything. And so I will continue to publish on a very eclectic array of topics.

Those precious few of you who actually read what I write regularly, or at least frequently, know that I am very open about my beliefs. I feel that this is important because I want my readers to know and understand who I am and where I am coming from, even if we may differ radically in our outlook on life. I truly believe that I can learn a lot from others with different perspectives, and I also feel that the converse is true.

Even if you, dear reader, do not share my belief that Jesus is God, I feel that sharing that faith as transparently as possible will (at the very least) give you some insight into my poetry, my art, and my music. And conversely, as I come to understand your unique outlook on life, I can appreciate your work better as well.

Even if our beliefs overlap,

you may find that my particular understanding of the scriptures diverges from "conventional Christianity" as you have grown up with it and been taught.

I have become convinced that many who may have been raised in "the church" have ended up leaving the church and rejecting Christianity for all the wrong reasons.

Friend, is it possible that you may have "thrown the baby out with the bathwater?" Could you be missing the entire point of belief in Jesus simply because you've had the wrong version shoved down your throat?

Some may wonder, for example, how one who professes to be a Christian can simultaneously be an anarchist?

Or maybe a false image of God as a sadistic torturer has caused you to turn away?

Perhaps a jingoistic "militant church" has turned you off by misrepresenting the reality of what the bible teaches?

I believe these are aberrations.

I believe that the truth has been obscured and distorted by the organizations and systems that have grown up around true Christianity. I also believe that the truth is still present, still accessible through reading the bible.

"So Jesus said to the Judeans who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”"
- John 8:31-32

You very likely think you are already "free."

I believe that the worst form of slavery may be this: To think one is free, while actually being in bondage.

I see this kind of slavery in almost every realm. Not just spiritual, but political and intellectual. I have experienced such slavery, in varying degrees, during much of my life. I hope to share, more and more, my own journey towards freedom in every realm, and my great hopes for a spectacular future.

I hope to share my personal "Visions of Eternity," not in some ecstatic prophetic sense, but proceeding from a life-long growth in understanding of what I have observed and read.

If you are not already,

I hope you will become a regular reader of my articles. Feel free to skip the ones you find utterly boring! But, please don't simply pass over an article merely because it's on a topic you may have a pre-determined opinion about...

The best way to truly learn is to have our own opinions and beliefs challenged. Otherwise, we're nothing more than a fulfillment of the old saying, "He was just preaching to the choir." If you want to learn, don't just listen to "the preacher." Turn on the radio from time to time and dial up someone with a slightly different outlook.

Don't just be the choir...

Don't just be the choir...
Photo courtesy of Ben White and

Tune your dial to @creatr.

Take part in the discussions below my articles.

I truly hope that your thinking may be slightly expanded, and that we can learn from one another.


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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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