A Cuteness Invasion


We always keep an entourage of cats here on the farmstead. That whole wanting to keep the rodent population in check thing is the justification behind our cat infestation, but honestly, I just like cats.

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They are independent, full of mischief, and beyond fun to be around. I mean, I love animals in general, but cats are just smashing.


And lets be super honest here, kittens are the cutest things ever!


I have a friend who has a farm a town over, and while at her house for some social function, she asked if I could use a couple kittens. Um, when don't I want a couple of kittens around?

So, after a rather large affirmative yes to her, I found myself returning home after a show steer meeting at my friend's house with a hot pink cat carrier. Inside said cat carrier were two tabby kittens.

Now, these two meows were litter box trained and liked people, so I decided the let them hang in the house to get used to living on their forever farm home. The thing is, they don't really like dogs.

I have two dogs.

And my two dogs love, love, love cats and all animals for the most part, so for the last couple days my cowboy corgi and German Shepherd hound cross have been looking all sorts of longingly at the baby kittens. They also look super butt hurt when the girls hiss at them like they are the plague. Poor puppers.


The girls are getting used to my super good doggos though. In the beginning they would run hissing under the couch if Cora and Lani even glanced their way. Now the kittens will play and hang out even if the dogs are laying in the kitchen. Baby steps.

Naming creatures is always part of the fun of bringing them home, and I named the lighter tabby Teela because I just watched all of the new He-man series on Netflix, and as it made a ton of people annoyed, I thought it might be a nice touch to name one of the kittens something that was guaranteed to trigger someone in the future. I'm fun like that.

The other kitten though, she was a different case. She is absolutely insane. Like the drive-by biting, shredding you cause she can crazy. One time when I was walking past the living room, my son looked away from his current COD Warzone match and said,

"Mom, I'm naming her Yaga, like Baba Yaga, because she has a taste for flesh."

So there you have it, we have Teela and Yaga.





I'm sure there will be a future post or two about their exploits, because even though I know most kittens are a touch playful, these two exceed the normal threshold when it comes to being rambunctious. I mean Yaga tried to eat a Naruto character on the TV screen and Teela had an unfavorable look when regarding my husband's leg earlier. Shenanigans are most definitely going to ensue.

But they are just so cute tho....

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's still hasn't been baptized in the cat box iPhone.

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