Philosophy of a AgroForestry Planter - Permaculture Diploma Documentation Episode 1

After attempting to record too much in a single episode The Pilot was named as such. Today I come back with Episode 1 - Philosophy.

I need to start with the basics of philosophy to establish a firm foundation. What we are doing emphasizes heavily permaculture design, sustainable development and multi-function, long term and high value land use.

I believe that nature is a powerful force, one that we can work with and not against, if we choose to design that way.

I also believe that all references to 'global' warming, crises or other such problems are often phrased in a such a way to leave people feeling powerless. And I am a strong believer in people power - and using that power!

Here I document a philosophy of local solutions to local problems, and attempt to make a case that global, in this case, is just the sum of a bunch of local.

Feedback Welcome!

Only Youtube

PS: I have tried many times to upload this to dtube but our internet access hasn't been up to the challenge.

More updates comings soon - we have been building an eco-dome 🤪

I plan on planning some minecraft with @snook and may post about it on @ecoinstar.

After eco-dome madness I also plan on launching a weekly contest, with a huge amount of SBI shares to be given out throughout the contest. Anyone interested in that?

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