It's Not About 2 or 3 Masks. Here's the 1 Thing Guaranteed to Keep You Safe From COVID-19!

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If you've been paying attention to the most recent news about COVID-19, then you probably heard that on January 25th, Mr. Fauci said that wearing two masks instead of one "just makes common sense."

Now, you may be confused by that, given the fact that just 3 days later he said "There’s nothing wrong with that but there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference."

Of course, if you've been listening to Mr. Fauci for the last year, then you're pretty familiar with him saying one thing, and then immediately saying the exact opposite. This is part of a practice by abusers called gaslighting, where they convince their victims that that are crazy, by intentionally distorting reality.

Another good example is how Mr. Fauci said on March 8th that "there is no reason for people to be walking around with a mask" (something the WHO agreed with), and yet one month later the CDC issued its first threat of violence against those not covering their faces.

Fauci was also one of the first people to publicly "receive" the new COVID-19 gene therapy... and then went on video mentioning how his arm still hurt from the shot, only he said it was the other arm (not the one where he supposedly got the jab.)

It's of course no surprise that Fauci, a well-known member of organized crime, simply says whatever is best for his employer and long-time friend: Bill Gates. If you'd like to dive a little deeper into his record, here are some articles & videos on the 36-year head of NIAID.

Thankfully, people are slowly starting to realize that they've been completely bamboozled by a fake pandemic designed for political and financial gain, as well as a big boost to the surveillance state & eugenics agenda.

Wisconsin's senate just recently voted to overturn the mask mandate put in place by the governor there.

It is up to each and every one of us to stand up, refuse the face diaper, shine light on these violent, eugenicist fraudsters, and stop playing along with their psychological warfare. If you are worried about an infectious disease, the clear answer is to get lots of sunlight, make sure you're getting enough vitamin C & Zinc, exercise, and reduce stress as much as possible. Cutting off your oxygen supply and staying in a high-stress state are two guaranteed methods of destroying your immune system.

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