Shooting for the stars

I have always been a cool, calm and calculated person. But my artistic side is completely different: it loves a challenge, a risk, novelty and excitement. An intellectual nerd with steel discipline with a soft sprinkle of an explorer side. A combination which I know it is quite hard to understand and empathize with. I can be a ruthless fierce lioness and also have a softer side too, but I rarely show it. I am sometimes a turtle in a shell, it is hard to get me out of it haha. I am working towards trying to be more open to people in general, but it is not easy.

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I have always been fascinated with space. The sky, the clouds, the stars. The possibility of flying. Funny thing, I used to have such a terrible fear of heights that even now, to my shame, I climb the stairs by walking close to the walls, I do not like to be near a vantage point where I could see how high the stairs are. I have a fear towards the see through stairs, but it is getting better with time. Hilarious, I know. But 2 years ago I needed a moment of break through. I needed to do something for myself so out of my comfort zone to reboot my system. I needed a mental escape.

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Mary The Brave decided that her fear of heights would make her a great candidate for skydiving. Hell yeah! I wanted so much to see how it is like to feel like almost flying. It is so good, (almost) better than the thrill of a good book or sex. It is so good! The adrenaline rush.... Amazing.

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The moment I realized I was about to do a crazy thing hit me when the man opened the door of the plane, ready to jump with me. I was like shiiiit I wanna go back. Too late, in 1 second my ass was out of the plane. I closed my eyes like a chicken in the first minute. If I were to die, at least have the cowardliness to not watch it😂😂

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I can't begin to describe you my happiness when I saw myself through the clouds. I always wanted to see how it is like to float through the clouds. After the moment of complete fear it came the moment of complete bliss. I have gifted myself this experience and I loved it. After I landed, I was like : oh my this is addictive. I would repeat this every day, I even searched a skydive course and academy to see how much would it cost to enroll and be able to jump like a pro. Yeah, I can get crazy ideas. It was too expensive and not high on my priority list, so I abandoned the thought. For the moment.

The best thing you can do in troubled times is to invest in yourself. Invest in books, courses, hobbies, dreams. Invest in making yourself step up to a different mindset. Pamper yourself and put yourself on nr. 1. Once you learn to love yourself and only take the best, then you will advance in your mentality. And always be opened to new ideas, new places, new people, as long as it makes you feel happy.

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Life is too short to not pursue happiness.Whatever that means, as long as your pursuit does not harm others. I still have many crazy things I would love to do on my list. Preferably with a partner, but I can pull it off on my own too. Every morning when you wake up always remember to shoot for the stars! Once you see how that makes you feel, you will never stop.

Have a sunny day and toodle loo!

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My patreon with drawing and facepainting:
My photography

If you want to support me and show appreciation for the work that I do I accept donations here:
or through my paypal direct e-mail adress Thank you!

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