Australia FIGHTS BACK! - AMAZING Video As Protesters BREAK Police Line! - Global UPRISING CONTINUES!

See the FULL video report on BitChute HERE:

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent protests in Australia as countless protesters push through police lines again and take to the streets to reject the insanely tyrannical vaccine mandates and lockdown restrictions that continue to take place.
The uprising in Australia is very overdue and if it fails, God help us all. This is global and will not stop with Australia or Canada or France or Italy. The tyranny will keep persisting until either we make it end or there are none of us left.
In this video, we report on the latest footage from Australia as well as the protests in Germany and of course Paris where we are currently reporting from.
Though Paris has been seen as a global inspiration as massive protests take to the streets, this week during the global freedom marches, Paris showed up in much smaller numbers than previously signaling that something seriously wrong is happening. Meanwhile, it's impossible to eat or drink without a jab here in Paris and to think more people wouldn't protest for their very humanity is sickening.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these events world wide!


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