Media bias is just so obvious

Unless you have the IQ of a potato you are very aware of the fact that basically every single news outlet has tremendous and obvious bias that is right there in front of us every single day. If there is still someone out there that doesn't realize that basically all news outlets are pushing an agenda rather than providing us with information then I don't know what to say to that person.

While Donald Trump popularized the term "fake news" it didn't start with his ascension to the highest office in the world, it existed long before that. When I was in college Fox News had just emerged as the powerhouse in news in America and basically eclipsed all other "news" sources in the United States over the course of about a year. Despite the fact that I was and am a conservative I was extremely aware of their bias towards conservative causes and conservative politicians.

I think you could argue, and be correct in saying that Fox was a necessary "yang" to the rest of the media's "ying." It doesn't mean that they are correct though and the flip side of the equation is also very true and because of Trump, it has shown the true colors of every media outlet in the USA and for the most part, the rest of the world as well.

There are tens of thousands of examples but one was recently pointed out to me that is from the SAME news outlet and what is so pathetic about it is that the two stories, which are both rather uneventful and honestly, dumb, were published just 7 days apart.


First off, who TF is I would imagine that not very many people care or even read this trash but Elizabeth Wellington, who presumably is paid to write this garbage, shows exactly where she lies (pun intended) on the political spectrum. First off, who gives a damn what people are wearing and the suggestion that she tries to make that Melania is somehow promoting a white-power message because she is wearing white is just completely ludicrous. Then Hilldog comes on stage wearing essentially exactly the same thing and the polar opposite conclusion is reached.

You can look at what is currently happening with Jill Biden as well. Jill is being lauded by the media as being one of the most intelligent people on the planet because she has a PhD in Education. They kind of glance over the fact that her degree is at least in part an honorary degree but they hide this information or intentionally try to trick their readers into thinking that (hon) means "honors" as in that she was the top of her class when in actuality this (hon) doesn't mean that at all.

Melania has been relentlessly attacked by the media the same way that her husband did. She speaks 5 languages, which can be proven but the media instead decided to nitpick her accent rather than acknowledge the fact that she is more than capable of having a conversation in many languages - can any of the people who attack this woman over the fact that she doesn't speak French perfectly even speak French at all?

Bette Midler, who is about as consequential as a Pomeranian when it comes to anything political famously Tweeted “Oh, God. She still can’t speak English,” when Melania was doing public appearances. Midler was immediately attacked by all sides and rightfully so, one of funniest critcisms coming from Dinesh D'Souza when he replied "She speaks 5 languages, Bette Midler still has a ways to go with one."


Now let's look at this one: CNN and Fox have a photo of the same event and CNN just can't control themselves when it comes to doing their best to demonize the right while glorifying the left. They were no doubt extremely aware of what was really happening, but decided to lie about it anyway. They have been doing this for a very long time and I am sure everyone remembers the doctored video where Trump was pouring fish food into a Koi pond in Japan where they conveniently "forgot" to include the footage where the Japanese Prime Minister, just moments before, had done exactly the same thing.

News outlets on the right are guilty of this as well but since the flavor of the week for the past 5 years has been to attack Trump at every available opportunity even if it is a flat out lie, it has become incredibly clear which news outlets are on which side and if you aren't upset about the fact that there basically is no news anymore, then you have a very serious case of wearing blinders.

In the past 4 years I have tried to find a truly unbiased news source and the closest I can get to an example of this would be The Economist, which unfortunately is behind a paywall and is dreadfully boring anyway.

There isn't really any reason to watch or read any news that is released by any major network anymore because unless it is a puff piece you already know what the conclusion is before they even start talking. Trump is wrong about a lot of things just like any politician is, but when he calls the media "fake news" he is definitely not wrong about that.


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