BC to LOCK DOWN over 2 Covid-19 care home deaths!

Here in British Columbia, the government is closing banquet halls, clubs, bars, and latenight restaurants. We're being told our "bubbles" need to shrink to 5. We remain in a state of permanent emergency, with suspended individual rights, and all power to the system. Travel is discouraged, and children are returning to school under dramatic and traumatizing circumstances.


According to today's decree from on high, it's because 2 people died over the long weekend (a 4 day reporting period), both of them 90-year-olds in extended care facilities. Yes, we're shutting the economy back down, halting all gatherings, and avoiding even our friends and family, because of a further 2 deaths from covid-19!

There's the frightening graphic presented today by the talking head of BC's pandemic (if you can call it that) response, Bonnie Henry.

Notice the blue, green, and red lines, which are dependent on how many tests are being conducted, are all going up dramatically? That's because they're testing LIKE CRAZY all over B.C. right now. We saw mobile testing units parked all over our little town in the past week or so. They're trying to find EVERY SINGLE CASE of this virus that they can, to push up those numbers, and justify the lockdown of society.

Number of Deaths show no Second Wave

But look at that flat line way down at the bottom, "total deaths". That's the indicator that matters - the one that is much harder to manipulate with extra testing.

And what does it say? That almost nobody is dying from covid-19 in BC anymore, even though we "reopened" and eased the lockdown all summer. Less than 1 person a day. That's less than the number of people who drown because their fishing boat capsized. It's a microscopic amount of deaths compared to things like cancer and heart disease.

And it shows without a doubt that there is NO "second wave" here in BC. Like most parts of the world, it appears that the majority of deaths have already happened. In Sweden, we know from recent data that lockdowns actually CAUSE more deaths to the virus, and that their entire population has already been exposed, so no second wave is possible.

However, here in BC they're calling it a "second ripple", instead. It's smaller than expected, but we still have to take it seriously, they tell us. We still have to lock down. We have to remain in a state of emergency (martial law). We can't meet new people, see family, marry, have children, protest, or travel - we're domesticated slaves.

Our resources are being spent on ramping up testing, so the numbers can be trotted out to us, so we'll accept the massive social engineering and loss of freedom being pushed onto us.

This is not what our ancestors toiled and suffered for. If we accept this prepackaged technocratic takeover of our society, we're traitors to all those who came before us. Our grandfathers would be rolling in their graves to see us this way - putting our wrists into the shackles and our neck into the noose.

You Aren't Crazy

You're not paranoid, or crazy, or stupid (or anything else you might get called) for noticing something isn't right here. It's not you that's messed up, it's everything that's happening right now. Don't be scared to go against the flow right now. Don't be cowed into submission. Don't let their shock-and-awe tactics keep you from speaking up and acting when you should be doing so. This isn't time to take a wait and see approach. They really ARE taking over the world, right now, and if you don't at least speak up, you're a willing accomplice at this point. Be brave, and believe in yourself. This is wrong. Start speaking up.

Let's do what our ancestors would be proud of us for, and let's do what ensures our descendants have the freedom to live and pursue their happiness.

If you're waiting for a signal, this is it.


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