My introduction to the Hive Community

Hi, my name is Angela. And yes, I’m new on hive.😃

First of all, I would like to thank my new friends @faustofraser, @justinparke and my dearest old friend slash little sister slash my admirer for no reason @kumbatey for telling me about hive.

I’m a 28 years old math student at the Anton de Kom University in Suriname.

I live in a small district in Suriname (a country in South- America) called Saramacca.
Suriname has a tropical climate and a very big part of our country is still covered with forest. I love our rivers, our creeks, all the flowers we have and the various amount of animals: blue frogs, butterflies, monkeys, jaguars, snakes and many more. I love camping in the forest; but with the lockdown due to the pandemic I can’t really visit these places nowadays. I miss doing that.



Most of the people in Saramacca itself are farmers. My stepdad is also a farmer and he has a big farm, where we actually have a crocodile living in one of the creeks. He is living there for ages now; he is almost family.


sarca river.jpg

On ‘free’ days when I’m not a being a crazy girl on the streets or in the forest; I become the girl that lies on her couch for hours: reading books. I love reading! My favorite authors are John Grisham and Agatha Christie.


They are also my role models. Besides reading, I write poems and short stories.
Recently I started writing my very first book and hopefully one day soon I’ll be able to share my message in my book with everyone in the world.

I practice yoga daily and I strongly believe that the Universe gives us exactly what we need; in the right moment.

I love working with kids; that’s why I started tutoring math and physics when I was 18. In the past 10 years I have tutored more than 400 kids. Not only do I practice math and physics with them; we also do fun things (games/teambuilding).


However, the last teambuilding we had was in 2019. Due to the lockdown I have to tutor my students online now. In the beginning it was very different and challenging. But now I am used to it.
I love my students and I can do anything to help them. They are not just my students; they are my little brothers and sisters.

My mission in life? I want to help people as much as I can. And as many people as I can. #myintroduction

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