Floating Into the Night by Julee Cruise

Living in a loud urban area, where you are constantly being pounded by a myriad of irritating noises, the best possible music are the chilled, slow, and quiet tunes. This is actually the contrary of the fast beats and distorted sounds that I'm usually more fond of. But you live to adapt, and thus learn to appreciate new things. One of these recent discoveries that have become a huge favorite of mine, is Julee Cruise.

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The Twin Peaks Soundtrack

Do you all remember Twin Peaks? That weird and creepy television series from the early 90's, that was considered way too strange for network TV. I remember watching it as a kid, though at that time I may have been just a bit too young to properly appreciate it. The impression stayed, though, and a few months ago my wife and I watched the whole series from beginning to the end. And sure enough: from today's perspective it may not seem anything more than a regular mystery show. But back then... You really have to praise the genius of director David Lynch. And of course Julee Cruise, for performing the theme music.

David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti

Giving credit where it's due, the one who's mostly responsible for the eerie mood of the show, and thus for Cruise's sound, is composer Angelo Badalamenti. His combination of soothing organ sounds, smooth saxophones, and soft ethereal tunes is the perfect backdrop for Cruise's voice to float over. Together it also sets the mood for many of David Lynch's strange images.

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Before Twin Peaks, the trio had already achieved this in the motion picture Blue Velvet with its closing theme Mysteries of Love, which became famous among a cult following. Four years later, in 1989 they added onto this success with a number of songs featured in the hit series Twin Peaks, bringing Cruise out into the mainstream. She even appeared in the series, singing on the stage of "The Roadhouse" biker bar.

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Floating Into The Night

When this album came out, most radio DJs didn't quite know what to do with it. It was even difficult to categorize, with "dream pop" coming closest. The same can be said about Lynch's films, and most songs on it are in fact from Twin Peaks: Floating, Rockin' Back Inside My Heart, The Nightingale, Into the Night, The World Spins, and of course the song played in the (for modern viewers) unusually long opening sequence, Falling.

My favorite song on this exceptional album, which I want to leave you with, is actually not from Twin Peaks, but from Blue Velvet. It's the infamous Mysteries of Love, which I find so dreamy and so magical, that it works as the perfect cure against the worst stress factors of the city around me. As soon as I put it on, I feel like back under the tall Douglas Fir trees. Just close your eyes and give it a go.

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