Attitudes Of A Good Leader [Part 1]

Many of us have found our ways into one leadership position or the other or will become leaders someday. There are attitudes to imbibe within you in order for your leadership to be fruitful. The truth is, if there are no followers, then leadership will be nonexistent. More so, anything that goes wrong from the leadership position will heavily affect others. This is why, if you want to attack a herd of sheep, you only need to succeed at attacking the shepherd and you will easily get to the sheep.


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For every leadership position that you assume or you are entrusted into, there are obvious responsibilities you need to undertake and these responsibilities will come at big costs. Otherwise, your leadership will only become an authoritative autocracy and you end up being a ruler instead of a leader. When that happens, you will only command fear and not respect. This is why there are things that you should observe to do as a leader to make your leadership worthwhile. This goes to prove this popular adage:

To whom much is entrusted, more is expected

Positivity Mindset

As a leader, you have to first build up and train your mind to only think positively even in the midst of seemingly negative happenings. When others are seeing and saying negativities, joining them will defeat your position as a leader. Trust me, even inside the grossly darkest night, there are still linings of rays of light.

It is when you focus your mind on positivity that you will be moved to act positively to salvage the situation. The only way to solve a particular problem is not by thinking about the problem nor by focusing on the challenges at hand but by focusing on the possible solutions. Remember this, two negative thoughts cannot give birth to a positive action. Your thoughts will always reflect in not just your actions but in your speech.

When you have a positive mindset as a leader, your followers will be drawn to follow suit. This positive mindset, when put in place, will prompt everyone to take actions even if it means taking risks. Obviously, risks are the fundamental currency of success.

Relating With People Nicely

You are a leader, but it does not warrant you to talk down on anyone. Understand that even your followers have emotions too and if you hurt their emotions, you may discourage them and you may lose their loyalty. The same way you treat your direct boss is the same way you should also treat the gardener and the driver. The people you look as minority today may occupy a very pivotal position tomorrow, so do not mistreat them today.

If you find yourself in a point when you have to remind people that you are the leader or to respect you, then that is a sign that you have already lost your position. One thing you have to understand is that you cannot enforce respect; you can only enforce fear, and fear is not what sustains a leader but respect. If you want respect, then you have to earn it by respecting yourself and respecting others, especially your subordinate.


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A disrespect you give to one person is a disrespect to all, so be mindful of that. If you only relate favourable with a selected few (maybe those of higher cadre) but treat others with disdain, then you are not respectful at all. This is not saying that everyone should be your friend. Everyone must not and should not be your friend, but you have the obligation to treat everyone with respect. Even while correcting them, do it with humanity at the back your mind, to avoid tables turning against you.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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