Dream operators need self control


“Dream operators need self control.”

This is a quote from Marc Fleury left in a recent comment on my Facebook wall. I’ve been pondering it a bit as I continue to explore the possibility of non-physical matter being more fundamental than what we perceive with our physical senses.

I’m currently enjoying Donald Hoffman’s book The Case Against Reality. I’ve recently finished reading The Enlightenment Intensive: The Power of Dyad Communication for Self-Realization by Lawrence Noyes and had a fantastic meeting yesterday with Satyen Raja, a long-time practitioner of these events which are currently on hold due to COVID. We have a 90 minute session scheduled for Wednesday night I’m greatly looking forward to. I’ve also listened to Mind to Matter and The Celestine Prophecy and am working my way through Light on the Yoga Sūtras by Pantañjali as recommend by Vinay Gupta. This work week I meditated for an hour a day each morning (other than yesterday where I did thirty minutes in the morning and then some other activities later like VR-based Tai Chi). The idea of an hour a day of practice was inspired by Vinay as well, along with trying some Tai Chi with Nathan Adam encouraging me to get the VR app I’ve been curious about.

I don’t normally commit to a set routine on this journey. Five days in a row and an hour just sitting in one place is a lot for me. I wanted to challenge myself a bit and this came to mind as something to try. One day I did a guided meditation form Moojiji you can find on YouTube entitled An Invitation to Freedom. I’ve also done some Drishti (“gaze point meditation”) as recommend by Philip Clift of Renegade Yoga. In addition I threw in some Hemi Sync which uses special frequencies to coordinate the hemispheres of the brain along with a little time on the Sri Yantra meditation tool I created a while back.

This exploration of and focus towards being less wrong about my own true nature and the nature of reality (both physical and non-physical) seems deeply important to me in this time. It’s something I can’t not do. 🙂 I’m also happy to enjoy the freedom of it. I don’t feel like there’s much striving or grasping, just flowing with recommendations and ideas as they come into my awareness and resonate with me. The less I strive to force things in terms of work with FIO, the more I feel in tune with receiving from and cultivating key relationships for our success. Connection with my wife and kids is strong, and I was at more community events this week than normal, hosting for Crypto Mondays, speaking at a Blockchain Puerto Rico event Tuesday, and enjoying a great party and poker game Wednesday night.

Things seem to be more in flow as I focus attention not on the physical, but the non-physical. If you’re coming from a “brand” of religion or spiritual discipline you might attach a lot of meaning to the world spiritual or non-physical. Here’s another way to think about it:

“A hydrogen atom is about 99.9999999999996% empty space. Put another way, if a hydrogen atom were the size of the earth, the proton at its center would be about 200 meters (600 feet) across.”

If we want to be less wrong about what is, maybe our focus shouldn’t be on the very tiny fraction of what is physical and explore the vast majority that is not.

As Tesla famously said:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

At 42, I’ve worked hard to position myself for the freedom and autonomy required to explore in this way. I’m also privileged, blessed, graced, and any other word you’d like to use as the reason for my gratitude. There’s no final destination for this journey. It’s just a progression from more confusion to less confusion. The timing is right, and I have a great team of people (family, colleagues, team members, community, friends) supporting me and cheering me on. I enjoy connecting with new multidimensional thinkers all the time. I have less fear and less attachment to outcomes. A big part of that is financial security thanks to cryptocurrency, but it’s also deeper than that (to me). It’s about becoming the container that can steward resources. I’ve been with money and without money, and the process of character development or “removing entropy from your consciousness” as Thomas Campbell puts it, is always available to everyone. I celebrate every moment which lead me here, whether I labeled it “good” or “bad” at the time.

Past, future, present, identity, memory... maybe these things are illusory as Moojiji says in his guided meditation. Maybe the “isness” transcends all that and is right here, right now, available to all.

That’s what I’m exploring while still keeping a functional, skeptical, responsible mind throughout the process as needed to function in this Matrix.

Thank you for your contribution to the experience we call Luke Stokes.

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