Pacific creatures


The world was once filled with creatures of all kinds, all of them a result of the twisted genetics which led into a mutation. These mutations were of natural causes, and did not cause any noticeable changes to the forms of the creatures, them being sentient and intelligent. About a billion years ago, something happened, something which no god or man had been able to create. Insane monsters began to grow, and every now and then, these monsters would manage to find and kill their lunch… or at least they had, until now.

The sea of all life supported an incredibly powerful creature. Its true name has long since been forgotten, or lost to the ages. The creature, the creature more massive than anything seen above the ocean, and probably on the planet had always been called something… something that was more of a reference than anything else. But for the purposes of this story, we will call it the "Tentacle"

It was a creature which never spoke. It did not communicate through means which no-one dared examine too closely. It was an alien to nature and its enemies, yet it was also an ally to those who knew its true name.

What had once been a peaceful sea was now filled with a war of brutal violence. One creature alone was unlike any other before it. It had the brute strength that would make Godzilla proud, but also was an incredibly fast creature, faster than most ships. Another of its more notable features would be its giant and ever-growing tail, which wagged whenever this creature fought. The creature never knew defeat… until now.

For many hours this creature, a leviathan of days past, sought to take down the strongest thing it could imagine. But it had no luck, and it grew weak.

"Why do you continue to fight?" a voice boomed across the water.

"Excuse you sir, but I fight because I have to, and because nobody is actually invincible. If I die, you win, if I live, I win. That's the rules of the game. I do have to protect myself from you, after all."

"You don't want to be my friend?"

"I don't fight with friends, sir, and I'm not the kind of guy to just accept other people's friendship. I'll probably have to hurt you sooner or later."

"Let me get it straight, then, you're saying that you never go beyond the point of no return."

"That's correct," he replied confidently

"Okay," the voice replied, "Then you might as well just lay down your arms. We can all live in peace. Lands too, I might add."

"As I said sir, I don't abandon my friends unless it's something I have to."

"You're really something, you know that?"

"That's what they all say," the creature replied.

"Well, then," the voice replied as he faded from the scene.

The creature floated in the middle of the ocean, but still managed to keep its giant tail steady.

"You're getting old," the creature thought to himself, "It's been a while since our last fight. It's time to man up."

This last thought was interrupted by the voice of another creature.

"You get to know things, don't you?" the voice asked. "I'm sorry sir, but I have to fight."

"It's okay. We've been fighting for an eternity. I feel like you're more on my side than you know."

The creature remained still for a few moments, and looked out to the horizon, and watched as the sun faded over.

"I guess it's time for bed," he said, before dissolving into the ocean.

The last thing that the creature heard was the voice of the second creature.

"You still got to solve that problem," the voice said.

"You kidding me?" the creature replied.

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