A canvas of hatred between two cultures


It was just another ordinary day of work at the prime minister's office, the workers were breaking for lunch, some went shopping while others went munching on their samosas or bhajias at their desks.

All the employees returned back to their workstations until the maddening sound of 'fire alarm" filled the office. There was fire everywhere in the hall. The workers were panicking.

They all started whispering to each other in hushed tones, disbelief in their eyes, it is impossible that someone would do this.

Everyone then heard angry shouting that stopped the whispers, they saw minister g kabala angry with his veins popping in anger, his face angry red. He yelled at everyone to evacuate from the premises as loudly as he could,

He started to aimlessly yell with his eyes closed rebuking the fire brigade.

People were still moving back to their workstations and unknowingly unknowing that fire has already settled on the entire building and its roof.

Everyone got down to the corridors and had to wait for the fire brigade and police and security and firemen to enter the building.

Hearing of the fire alarm of this building, the fire brigade and security and police and all firemen subsequently rushed to the prime minister's office. Everyone rushing to the building and the building of prime minister's office.

The whole building then collapsed in flames, no one was aware that someone was still slumbering in the building, in one of the corridors waiting for everyone to evacuate.

People saw billows of smoke filling the air, everyone heard the same yelling of the ones in the corridors, they were shouting at the top of there lungs at the collapse of the building, screaming it is upsetting. They were all stunned witnessing destruction of life.

Everyone got down to the corridors and there gathered to the exits of the building, everyone seen heavy smoke coming out of the building, flames were seen spreading across the main entrance side.

The building had collapsed in flames, there was no way out. All was burning inside the building.

The security and the firemen and the police tried to clear the exits, they then started to panic. They panicked themselves as people were still trying to evade from the building.

Many of them seeing this cried out that they were about to die as their pride has been burnt.

The public inside the building had started to realize the news as fire had spread outside as well as inside. The firetrucks started transporting the people to the safe houses, ambulance vans had been transporting the people as well as the police and security and police and firemen and ambulance vans.

The ambulance vans had transported too many people, no one had any time to react, the fire had collapsed the entire entire building.

Nothing of what people believed of this building remained, they told the minister sir to go to a safe house.

People were saying that it is a huge loss of life, no one is going to survive. Our pride had been collapsed.

The security and the firemen and the ambulance had been evacuating the people from the building, everyone seen smoke billowing from the collapsed building.

There had been a lot of people dying, there were not enough ambulances to take people to safety.

Trucks were seen transporting the dead. The fire then had been controlled as it had burned out of control. The fire brigade then managed the emergency.

People from the public being being transported from the building as many as possible who have been affected by the fire.

You could hear the cries of pain and sorrow of the people on the streets as the ambulances were transporting them out of the area.

The fire brigade had managed to extinguish the fire on the ground floor, the fire brigade on the entire first floor of the collapsed building. The police on the other hand on the second floor and the third.

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