Reflections: Officially retired ... Or am I?

There is an old saying - "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" While always true, this morning, this phrase has special significance to me.

Yesterday, I worked my last day at my employer of the last six years. I am officially retired.

Or am I? šŸ˜‰

@roleerob at Retirement Party 17 Jan 2019

I've met a number of people over the years who are very faithful at writing in their journals about all that is going on in their lives. I am not one of those types ... šŸ˜Š

BUT, I have surprised myself about how much I enjoy writing on the Steem blockchain, which represents my first experience in being online. I've come to think of my writing "in here" as a journal of sorts.

So ... This morning I am writing just a brief bit about this important milestone in my life and what it represents. With the last "sentence" now written in the last "chapter" of my life, the question is what will the opening "sentence" be in the next "chapter?"

I am happy to report I have got that figured out. I wrote in detail about that in my Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip post. I will be heading "out on the road" bright and early Monday morning. I have three days to prepare.

I am determined to do whatever it takes to recover my sense of vitality. My health and overall sense of well-being is my number one priority at this stage of my life. Yes, I am getting older. No, I am not dead yet ...

The interesting "twists and turns" of life led to the surprising request of two key executives this week for me to consider being a part-time contract worker?! One of them said, "you can do whatever you want, whenever you want."

Hmmm ... Let me get back to you on that.

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First, I am going to do my best to relive some special memories, create some new ones, and spend some long-anticipated time with my siblings in the Northwest.

We never know for sure how life unfolds, as we "don't write the script." I am thankful, though, that I have earned the opportunity to do what is now just hours away.

We'll see after that ...


Given the pressures of all the "last minute" items needing my attention at work over these last few weeks, as well as in my personal life, my interaction on our Steem blockchain has been pretty limited. But ... I'm still here!

Thank you dear reader, for investing your time to read my latest post. Iā€™d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! šŸ‘ šŸ˜Š

Respectfully, fellow Steemian @ roleerob

Posted using SteemPeak and ā€œimmutably enshrined in the blockchainā€ on Friday, 18 January 2019!

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