"Monday Missions entry" CHILDHOOD GAMES ⚽🏏

I am going to try a challenge for a change, I was catching up reading posts when I saw @qurator's challenge to write a post about your favourite childhood game. 'MONDAY MISSIONS' CHALLENGE.


I am going back around 40 years when I was a child, my favourite times were when I was outside playing with my friends. I would be out playing until the street light came on. I lived in a street where a lot of children lived and most of us went to the same school. Our street was the only street that was mostly council houses so money was very scarce. I loved the weekend where I would get out of bed have breakfast then disappear outside for the whole day.We played loads of different games, some are in the photo above.

I loved to do gymnastics throwing myself about on the large grass verge we had at the end of the street, its where we played most of our games.

I was a tomboy growing up doing exactly what the boys, I could play just as rough. The game I loved playing the most was Hide and seek.

Someone would be it, they would stand with there hands covering there face counting,the others would run and hide and hopefully be the last to be found. I would hide in tight little spaces or climb as high as I could in a tree or on top of a garage. It was exciting waiting for them to get near to you trying to breathe quietly and not laugh. Once they found you you had to race back to the den where the person who was counting. If you get back first you then freed all the people the counter had found then the counter had to count again. If the person who was counting found everyone they would then be able to hide and someone else would take over the counting.

The game could on for ages especially of we were playing in the horse field that was behind our house. There was so many hiding spaces and lots of tree's to climb. When we needed food we would grab anything we could to stay outside as long as we could. By the time it was time to go home I was shattered and dirty ready for a bath then bed.

Its sad not seeing children outside having the fun we used to have, we didn't need game stations. our fun was real. When all the children were playing out the street was busy and loud. Thankfully not many cars came down our street and no one got hurt apart from the odd fall out of a tree, of a wall etc we always had bruises and if we were thirsty nearly every garden had a hosepipe where we could get a drink. Those were the good old days.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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