The Only Thing That Is Stopping Yourself From Living Your Dreams Is You!- My Steemit Music Introduction

Well hello everyone my name is Clive Martin I am 42 from the United Kingdom and this is my steemit introduction!

As you can see one of my biggest passions is playing the alto saxophone and music in general, so I hope you played the video above and had a quick listen. What I am becoming known for is having the ability to just turn up regardless of whether I have heard the music before or not and just playing freestyle going with the flow. My other interests include affiliate marketing social media, marketing cryptocurrency, traveling but that is only a small part of who the real me is about.

I love music, I love just having that gift that enables me to help the party lift people up and see them happy and in 2018 im setting out to do much more of it!

It's quite fitting that my first article on steemit is new years eve and believe me I am finished looking back and self reflecting. just like anyone else it had its ups and it had its downs it had its happy times and it had it's painful times but no matter how it turned out I took the lessons I had to learn to become a wiser person.

So here are my self reflection thoughts and if you can relate to anything then please upvote me and introduce yourself and i look forward to meeting you.......

👍Do not waste your time looking back beating yourself up on past failures and mistakes. Look in the mirror and take accountability. Your choices have long term consequences, so if it did not go to plan then plan to do it different!

👍Do not sit around struggling trying to figure it out on your own. Get up and go and find others that have already done it before you.

👍Be social find a mentor ask questions and take action on what you have learnt straight away.

👍If you want other people to be genuine with you just be your genuine self. Remove as much negativity as you can from your life. This might be a painful process to start with but eventually life becomes so much better when you stop living a life just to seek other people's approval.

👍Your future is determined by what you do NOW the only person that is stopping you from living your dreams is you so 2018 let's make sure we do it better.

2018 is only going to be as big as you make it. No one is born talented no one is born a winner or a loser but you are born to be a chooser. If anyone has an interest in earning an income online this year I have chosen to stay humble and learn from my younger brothers success who at the age of 33 earned over $600,000 profit online! Wow you might say but its a massive difference to his life only 6 years ago and no doubt I decided to throw that brotherly ego away and look for others I can just share genuine value with.

So thank you for reading my post be the best that you can be and feel free to upvote and if you are into genuine networking or you would like to be part of the journey im on then feel free to ask and link up with me. Just click the image below and let's get you rocking in 2018

From Clive Martin

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