Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Pregnancy

Some of you may or may not be familiar with the term ‘twilight sleep’. The phraseology is rather antiquated at this point because the practice has largely been abandoned, and for good reason too!

"Twilight Sleep" Promised Painless Birth—But At What Cost?

Back in the day doctors (or sorcerers) would induce a twilight sleep upon a pregnant woman during childbirth by injecting her with a cocktail composed of both Scopoline and Morphine.

If the dosage wasn’t so severe as to cause death or hallucinations it would many times result in a disassociated patient who after the fact would have absolutely zero recollection of the traumatic experience that generally accompanies childbirth.

However, often during the experience, while drugged these women would suffer horrendously. Twilight sleep might sound nice, yet, it had the side effect of interfering with development.

Mothers are meant to remember bringing their children into the world. It’s this experience that causes an unbreakable bond between a mother and her child.

Women who’ve had the advantage of a memory wiped clean during the child birthing process often will not bond as well with their young one because they can't remember giving birth at all.

Thankfully though, nowadays, there are better drug cocktails which can reduce pain without preventing a woman from remembering the moment her son or daughter entered the world stage. There are also drug-free ways to do the whole thing naturally.

World's Scariest Drug: Colombian Devil's Breath

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