BREXIT: Reactions

If you are completely confused watching the Brexit events, don’t worry, you are not the only one. Even the protagonists of the events are not quite sure what is going to happen.

But here are some reasonable suggestions by the protagonists themselves, which will make things clearer… well, I hope. Most interesting EU Parliament session edited by Dr. Watson:

00:00:00 Hans Olaf Henkel (Conservatives, Germany)
00:01:18 Nigel Farage (Brexit Party)
00:04:21 Frans Timmermans (Open Society, linked to George Soros)
00:07:54 Guy Verhofstadt (Alde Group & Open Society, linked to George Soros)
00:11:52 Gerard Batten (UKIP)

Duration: 14:02

Then, if it can help to better understanding, you can see this verbal Brits-French clash, on Peter Lavelle’s show “CrossTalk”:

Blue Corner: Brexiteers George Galloway, former MP, and Alan Sked, professor of International History at the London School of Economics

Red Corner: EU fan, Renaud Girard, Le Figaro correspondent

Duration: 24:47

And you should for sure see this “side perspective” by the U.S. economy professor Richard Wolff. Sometimes it’s easier to see problems if you look at them from a certain distance…

Duration: 9:09

Whatever comes out of it, the first victim is already known: It’s the British democracy. Parliament did betrayed the democratic tradition, and now there are only two paths further: One is the fight for the restauration of democracy, and the other is — a dictatorship. Whatever comes out, I do not envy to the British people.

Related posts:

BREXIT: Begging for More EU

BREXIT: On Course to Win-Win Delay!

BREXIT: Delay in Sight

BREXIT: Denial Saga

BREXIT: What’s the Big No-Deal?

BREXIT NEWS: Kicking the Can

BREXIT: The Dead Parrot Sketch

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