Magic of Corona

It's highly contagious

However, only 4.4% of the French population got it.
Do you remember when you were at school, how many kids got flu every year?
So it's less or equally contagious as flu

It's deadly

According to Worlometers, 177.000 cases, 27.000 deaths. 15% death! 1 of 6 people die
However, 4.4% = 2.950.000 people had the disease

So... Disease so dangerous, that if you get it, you have 94% chance that you will have no idea that you have it.
5% you will be ill. 1% that you will die. Just like flu.

It's getting deadlier

Earlier during the pandemic, the percentage of death was about 1-5%. Now it's 15%. How?! There are more ventilators, more hospital beds, more... everything. And somehow, it's more and more deadly every day, besides the news that it's getting weaker.

It's not about the disease, it's about the revolution


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