Chai - Part 2: The Racoon Trash Cat


Chai has been upgraded from being my new favourite child to the racoon trash cat. Chai has now been collared and de-flead and dewormed and up till the beginning of this week, we've kept him warm and save between the bedrooms.


After being a bedroom-only cat for two weeks though, he made it very clear, through elaborate escape attempts, that he wanted to explore the rest of our house.


We've relaxed the rules quite a bit, but we still have strict rules about not letting him out of the house until he's chipped and snipped!


Now that he's been granted a bit more freedom, he's totally exhibited that he is exactly like our other kids: if you give him an inch, he will take a mile!


We made the mistake of feeding him a treat once or twice in the kitchen, and now all the barriers are down. Oh my gosh. From rummaging in the dustbin to stealing sandwiches out of Matthew's hand to turning around and finding him neck-deep in my cup of tea, it would seem he has adopted a "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine" attitude about any food within his reach.


I started with the squirty bottle thing, but whether or not he can be trained will have to be revealed in time.


He is still, however, the bested cuddle buddy in the world and as long as we can train him to stop scratching trash out of the bin, I think he may just grow some manners 🤣💕


@AimeLudick, @Zakludick, @merenludick and @Matthew-Williams

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