Why @Comet.Ranker Matters ☄️

This is the part where I tell you what and why the @Comet.Ranker was created and why I think that comments matter so much!

It's because without the Social Capital (without the people...) there isn't a foundation to stand on let alone BUILD UPON!

So for me anyways...

Social Capital always comes first. [period]


The people come first. [period]

...and if we can put the people first on the Hive Blockchain...

This can't help but become a friendly social environment where we can invite our friends, family, and famous too.

If we can do that...

Then we truly have peoples trust.

And everything moves at the speed of trust on this spinning planet.🌏

When you trust someone... there isn't anything holding you back and slowing you down.

There isn't anything niggling at the back of your mind with doubt and misgivings like a vortex sucking everything into it.

Trust is the accelerator between the give and take of all human economies. It is the intersection of interchange where knowledge and ideas can flow freely... AND MAKE AN I.M.P.A.C.T! ☄️

And when we comment...

Those comments of trust start off as thin wisps of cobweb... 🕸 but over time they compound into solid cables of strength bridging the gaps. 🌉

This is what a comment does.

It holds EVERYTHING that's truly valuable TOGETHER! ✅

Did you know that making a simple comment could/can make the difference between a dead or alive account here on Hive?

Why is that do you think?


A huge reason why a comment can make all the difference is that it is a means of establishing or ascribing meaning.

Comments are like oxygen to content. A comment is an acknowledgement. It's a signal that something you said made an impact.

...it means that someone cared enough to pause their day and invest some of their irreplaceable time and invaluable brain juice to say something about what you had to say.

A comment is proof of "anti-echo".

Not a word right...?

Neither is "anti-fragile".

Look it UP.

The word "anti-fragile" does not appear in any dictionary... and yet!

There it is!

An entire book written about the subject! 👇















Other than the fact that both of these words can not be found in the dictionary, the word "anti-fragile" and "anti-echo" also have other similarities to them.

Let me explain.

To be "anti-fragile" means far more than to be resilient. It doesn't mean that a strong person, designed object or engineered entity can withstand an unexpected or expected impact. This word has nothing to do being able to survive a shock.

This word, rather, means that a person, object, or entity gains strength, resilience, or momentum FROM the shock it's self!

THAT is what it means to be "anti-fragile".

So too, "anti-echo" is confirmation that you are not just having a conversation with your self like a lonely chess player in the park. A comment is proof of "anti-echo".

It's the equivalent to beaming a message out into the blackness of space... and hearing something (anything!) back from the distant stars!

This is the tap root for all things social and is what defines our human existence among the stars!

The lowly comment in all it's forms (from a grunt inside a cave to a submarine ping or a laser signal received by a satiate drifting through space) is where meaning from the universe is distilled and distributed from one being to another...

It is confirmation of life on planet earth and without it... there is no point (or way even!) to answer the question, "If a tree fell in the forest (and no one was around to hear it) would it make a sound?"

So your wondering...

What does "anti-fragile" and "anti-echo" have in common right?

I'll tell you.

With out "anti-echo"... "anti-fragile" isn't possible.

Every comment is a thread woven through society's fabric. Each word holds every person spanning the globe within arms reach of each other. This is our inseparable bond and a huge part of what brings us and holds us together.

...our identities expressed in word and then woven into a neural network of comments traveling between us at the speed of light...

This voiced thought is what makes us mindful and without the ability to communicate freely... we would all be mindless sentient or an unmindful mass of who knows what.

Communicated thought enables us to move and coordinate together in meaningful ways... and that is what makes us antifragile individually and as a whole.

With the Information Age, never has this been a more conflicted process however!

The strain between what brings us together also drives us apart and couldn't be more apparent.

For us here at @Comet.Ranker this truly does emphasize the need for us to all put intent and effort into bridging those gaps and coming together in the comments section of our content.

AND SO! This is where true value in any network merges from the valuable to the invaluble.

We believe that information truly does have extrinsic value (Isn’t that what we are innovating here on the Hive Blockchain?) and so does every blip on the radar screen...

The comment!

For it is the comment that builds a resilient...

NO! Anti-fragile future.

Proof of connection (in the comments) first begins as the cohesive dots and dashes and eventually turns into the fiberoptic cables that hold a community of bright, intelligent, aspiring, unique, and wonderful people together.

It's all about collective self-discovery AND individual meaning all built UPon the bedrock of blockchain!



So why does @Comet.Ranker matter?



@Comet.Ranker is all about building "anti-fragility" into the Hive Blockchain and an anti-fragile blockchain is an "anti-echo" one.

And we are doing that by throwing ourselves into the gaps... wherever they may appear.

We are here to standUP for what we know is vital and important to all of our success on the Hive Blockchain!

We are here to care about your content one comment at a time.

Content = Care and Care = Content. ⭕️

It's yet another virtuous cycle that supports an evolving and truly social community.

What are we evolving?
New and better way's to human.

Where are we evolving it?
Here on the Hive Blockchain!

Why are we evolving it?


If you have gotten to this point in the #CometWeek White Paper and still don't know the answer to this question... don't giveUP!

We suggest that you continue to read through this White Paper!






And then just drop allllllllll the way down into the comments section of any of the White Paper’s segments and leave a comment! That's where all the magic is happening right?!


👇#CometWeek White Paper.👇

© 2021 Comet.Ranker Service

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