We are beggining to be wasteful with the HIVE fund! STOP NOW

I simply knew this would happen. 3 days into the HIVE fork i wrote this post for that exact reason.

People flying on the euphoria of success saying yes to any and all funding requests. Almost all the things that passed are excessive in their funding. You have @howo with 275 HBD a day, @netuoso with 150 HBD, @yabapmatt with 100 HBD for keychain.
Is the work of 3 guys really worth spending a million USD inside few years time?

No, its not. Lets be honest here. Ive talked to a few devs to see if maybe im being unreasonable here. Guys that worked in the industry on Peercoin and early Ethereum, that still do some side work in crypto, and even they said that it was a lot. Id get the guys to work on HIVE if there was any chance of them getting funding.

All that id give a pass, say my peace, move on, fuck it. People were emotional...

Sure, they are coasting on name recognition, sure, unknown developers have close to 0 chance to get funding without being introduced into the politics of HIVE and without knowing the right people, sure, we have shitty policing in place to make sure theyre delivering at that price range, so we will put money behind a familiar face. Hey man, you can T R U S T me.

Thats ofc a problem for guys like @blocktrades, @theycallmedan, @freedom, etc... big investors. They have to bring in devs, vouch for them, otherwise its beyond pointless even to look for devs to come in. They have 0 chance to get any proposal passed otherwise.

Why im going into this again isnt because of the devs, no. That was the initial problem i had with the proposal system. Its the next step in this overspending i have a big problem. I wouldnt even call it a step, rather a gigantic leap.


Yesterday, the lovely @justineh wrote a proposal post where she is retroactively asking for $30 000 (in words: thirty thousand dollars) for being one of the people working on Hive getting listed and launched (among 80 other people) and for working in sharing the word about the Steem hostile takeover (among thousands of other people).

Now, she did do more then most, that is undeniable. What is also undeniable is that none of this would be possible if we all didnt step up.
Justine is not a Bitcoin, crypto veteran. She didnt call in favors with exchanges to get HIVE listed. Even if she was a crypto-vet that would mean little. You have a ton of veterans with hundreds of high end contacts and they cant get their shitcoins listed on major exchanges or have a hard time doing it.

As much as she or others might want to believe it, she was NOT the essential piece of the equation. The community was.


I personally had almost 500k impressions on twitter during the takeover. I contacted directly a few big crypto youtubers ("contacts") that picked up my tweets and story. My tweets were shared and i was quoted in a few articles myself.
How much is that worth? How about the 100 others that did the same thing? How about all the witnesses, community members that spread the word? That sat on the PC sending out emails, tweeting and responding to questions, countering lies and deceit.

Should we just spread the fund equally among the community then?

Not a single thing, not a single listing, would be possible, no matter the "contacts" anyone had or emails anyone sent if the community didnt step up and dig in. If the layer 0 wasnt what brought value.

Everyone busted their ass in their own way. Take @theycallmedan as an example... He talked to TRON, to Justin, went on podcasts, is now doing AMAs with exchanges.

If his investment going up is good enough for him for helping us out and isnt taking credit for it, then i think none of us should take credit either no matter how big our bag is.

Asking for 30 000 USD is taking credit.

Asking money for being a part of a team effort is the ultimate statement of taking credit.

Her proposal will pass, that is undoubtable. Dan is voting it, others will follow him, devs she mentioned are endorsing her. It will pass, politics be damned.
I know people like and appreciate her, but damn, is that now the standard were going with when choosing who gets funding?

Most of all this proposal is simply unfair. Its unfair to each and every one us that worked to get us where we are.

Its unfair to pay someone for the result we were all responsible for.


I feel there is no voice of reason here anymore ever since the community stood together for the takeover.
Dont be a coward that fears going against whats popular if you feel youre right.

Thats all i have to say on this.

Gl, Justine. Hope this manages to pay for the rest of the house. Honestly, if there was anyone that was going to rip off the fund like this, id rather it was you then someone else 😉

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