Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 60

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 60

Just before I came to the end of this story, I remembered a key item; The Man with the Blue Turban. The Man with the Blue Turban sounds almost as good as Stephen King´s Man in Black in the Dark Tower series.

The Man in Black in the Stephen King books is a demonic sorcerer and an emissary of the Crimson King. He intends to take over the room at the top of The Dark Tower and become "God of All".

Any good story needs a balance, and so does The Man in Black´ his adversary is Roland Deschain, the main protagonist in the best story King has ever written. Roland has the same goal, to reach the room at the top of the tower.

What I am trying to say here is go read those books by King and after 4000 pages my story might make more sense and sound more plausible.

The other thing that I am trying to bring across is the balance. There needs to be a balance in this neverending universe. The matter and anti-matter balance that holds us all together for eternity. The dark and light, the positive and the negative balance.

They told me about the Blue Turban, and how he was important to the balance of the world. I knew that and still, I totally forgot about that. He was hidden in the brain fog. I was not supposed to remember him till now. He needed to be the end of this story.

In my forgetful defense, they told me this 18 years ago and I did not make any notes. I do remember that night very well. We were on our way to Paris and I was talking to someone who took over Stephanie. The intruder, I think it was Sei, told me about my unborn child.

She told me how he would grow up, how the Sheriffs would bring him home hiding their smiles, and how he would leave me at a young age.

Yes in my mind and memory, it was always a he, and then the Man with the Blue Turban walked right into that conversation.

Now my interpretation at the time was that we were still talking about my unborn child. Kyrian had no name yet, he was nothing more than a plan. He was not even conceived, that conception happened weeks after returning from Paris.

During that nightly ride on the train, Sei told me that the Blue Turban would play an important role. That he would bring people together. As you know, their stories often trigger pictures in my mind. I saw these long tables filled with (world) leaders, and in the middle, just as in the Last Supper, a man with a blue turban.


Based on the line of that conversation, the blue turban would be my offspring. Possibly even my son, the one that had yet to be born.

They made the Man (I keep saying man as that is how I remember it) with the Blue Turban sound like the new savior, Jesus 2.0. It got me worried as saviors often get killed because people fear their message.

Why did I forget all about that blue turban while it fits perfectly in the protecting the bloodline perspective?

At that point, there was no word about protecting the bloodline, that came years after this blue turban story.

It made me wonder how would the Blue Turban would compare to Jesus? Because Sei made him sound like a savior.

Kyrian vs Jesus

According to many tales Jesus disappeared before he became the Messiah. He disappeared at the age of 12 and supposedly studied with the Essenes. After those studies, he started traveling and got as far as Tibet where he found more teachings.

That Jesus took a holiday to Tibet was something I never heard before, but my chocolate monster Little Feet made references to the man in orange dresses (she meant the Tibetian Monks as I saw the picture in my mind) more than once. She said that they held several bits of key knowledge.

Hence before becoming the Messiah, he studied with the Essenes, a mystic Jewish sect, for many years. Then he traveled the world and got taught by Tibetan Monks. Sounds like all his teachers lived very secludedly, far away from the constant white noise of the world.

In modern times you can only find that in a secluded retreat, or should I call it a Refugio?

As per the comparison, Jesus learned his lessons and did his travels between the age of 12 and 30. If Kyrian is the Man with the Blue Turban, he started his travels a bit later. But I am more worried about his teachers.

The teachings he needs he will not receive in any normal school, which might explain his dislike of the school system in general. Where will he find them?
Will he, like Jesus, travel the world to find them, or will they find him?

Would the timeline allow Kyrian to be the blue turban?

The plan I have is a multi-year plan to build a place for teaching, a retreat. A place to disconnect and get in contact. In my perception, it will take me another 5-10 years to really get that party started.

Now that would still be in time for Kyrian to become Jesus 2.0 in his early thirties. So he could be, but would he really be the Blue Turban?

With his taste in clothes, he might be, I can see him wearing a blue turban. Hence his age and taste in clothes could make him the blue turban but, there of course is a BUT.

Kyrian was not supposed to be my firstborn, it was supposed to be Little Feet.
Little Feet with all her knowledge.
Little Feet that got years of education in the school of Sei Minh.
Little Feet whose best friend was an alien with the ability to send a diamond planet on a collision course to Earth.

Little Feet, who (looking at the timeline) would grow up living near or in the Refugio.

That raises the question; Who was the unborn that I was told about that night on the TGV to Paris?

Did they know that Kyrian would cut in line and take Little Feets' place? Or did they expect Little Feet to be the firstborn and wear the turban?

Both feel like possibilities and in the bigger scheme of things it does not matter because whoever will wear that turban will need me to build the refuge.

That blue turban story, hidden in the back of my mind, might have been the missing piece. It connected things and made all the weirdness make a strange kind of sense. At least in my messed-up mind.

It explained why I needed to learn about these unbelievable things, it explained why they prepared me for this role and responsibility.

It explained why I keep hearing that I should protect the bloodline. Why I need to understand the financial world and at the same time the magical realm beyond the veil.

I am supposed to prepare and be the treasurer of the New Order of The Roundtable.
An order that at a certain point in time would be headed by someone with a blue turban.

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