Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 58

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 58

Why this bloodline?
As I said it does not matter, but if I am right and it has to do with the Priory of Sion let me give you a short history lesson.

The Priory of Sion maybe sounds familiar as it was referenced in the plot behind Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.

The Priory of Sion was formed to protect the sacred bloodline of Jesus Christ. Weird as it may sound mainly to protect it from the Catholic church.

Why, because the church highjacked Jesus for its own benefit, but if the truth was unveiled that the divine blood was still roaming the earth it would be an immense threat to its power and wealth.

Jesus had to remain dead as a doornail for them to stay in their comfortable powerful position, now that does sound like the Catholic church. Using stuff for their benefit, while trying to hide the truth from everybody.

Jesus his blood in the shape of a baby or a kid, was born into the womb of Mary Magdalene. Mary fled to France after the crucifixion and there we lose track of her a little.

Until The Priory of Sion arose in Jerusalem after the First Crusade in 1099.


The priory’s aim was to reinstate the dynasty and establish a Christian theocracy over Europe ruled by the descendants of Jesus.

Over the next centuries, there was a hidden war, a battle that included the priory, the Templars, the church, and the Freemasons.

The fight for the holy grail or the so-called Sang Real, Jesus his bloodline. Now this has been topic of many historical discussions and is often said to be fantasy, well that would be the narrative I would bestow on people if I was the Catholic church.

Jesus was sort of a household name when he was crucified, and he had built quite a fanbase. Not all were as loyal as could be, that became clear when the people chose a villain over a saint when Pilate asked whom should be released.

With such a following there must have been quite some dedication, enough to get Mary into France and build a brotherhood to protect the bloodline. A brotherhood that resulted in the Priory of Sion or maybe another cult that remained in the shadows of the Templars Tails.

Of course, the Bible would not mention Mary Magdalene and how she fled with at least one of Jesus´s kids to Gaul France but plenty of respected historians and scholars have documented the Jesus-Mary Magdalene Royal Bloodline. It remained very much intact, so much so that during the fifth century A.D., this bloodline intermarried with the Royal Bloodline of the Franks.

So his bloodline mingled and rose to royalty once again, after 500 years. Because do not forget that even as a carpenter's son, he had a royal lineage. The Book of Matthew 1:1-17 describes that Jesus' bloodline spans 42 generations and includes King Solomon and King David.

Now where am I going with this history lesson? what am I trying to prove other than that I can use Google?

First of all, that a bloodline can spread really easily and we can all be related to one occurrence of intercourse that took place many centuries ago.

Secondly, that it very well might be true that there was some sort of brotherhood overseeing and protecting the bloodline.

This brings us to the question why?

Well let me be lovely blasphemies; Because Jesus was not gods son. Not in the way it might have been interpreted, now I am going to add a bit of Erich from Daniken in this mix and say Jesus was not talking to god, he was talking to entities just like I did.

Don´t get me wrong, not planning to compare myself to Jesus at any moment. But say he talked to entities and aliens, beings that thought him the basic rules for humanity to blossom.

They gave him the word, he spread it, and then things got messed up. These beings that gave the word to humanity wouldn't have liked a second chance, a chance to clean up the mess and see if mankind is ready to receive the right word 2000 years later, or maybe more because they need to preserve the bloodline, they did not ask me to spread the word.

Why this word needs to come from this bloodline, my guess is at good as yours. But because I had more time to think about it I think it has to do with genetics and lineage.

To be a Messiah, you need a special type of personality:

  • Able to hear the word
  • Mentally capable to accept that you talk to a dog that knows more than you do, or your dead grandfather, or a lady that you used to know 1200 years ago, or even an extraterrestrial without losing your mind takes a special type of person.
  • Able to influence and move people in such a way that they are willing to die for you and what you told them to believe in takes a special kind of person.

I mean just for the fun of it lets see what that means in real life. Let's consider Trump a Messiah with a bad haircut. He really knows how to rally people, but he does not hear anything but his own ego.

Therefore I think that the bloodline is key to the resurrection of the Messiah, our Jesus 2.0. Why do we need Jesus 2.0, well look around you.

Will it be different this time?

Hmmm, it might be if the preparation is different (better) and the world has become a lot smaller.

Now the bloodline as you can imagine is much broader than me and my offspring. Maybe they are just waiting on the right genetic combination and telling another 1000 people like me to protect the bloodline.

If that is so please step forward, identify yourself, and let´s start a Facebook group "We Are The Protectors Of The Bloodline".

There is one more point why I think this is the plan. remember as a kid how we always made the action figures good guys and bad guys? Why is that?

Is that something we learn from a very young age?
Or is there more to it?

Is the universe not exactly like our action figures? Dark & Light, with positive and negative energy, and isn´t there not always something that looks like a battle going on between the two, a never-ending stride to keep the balance?

Couldn´t it be that the balance is tipping to the dark side and a new Messiah is needed to spread the light once again?

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