Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 25

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 25

Before anyone starts thinking that having some spirits on your side is going to make life easier, it´s not!
It is definitely not.
Of course, this is assuming that there are beings our eyes can not see, which by itself is already hard.

If you accept they are there, and if you accept they are selflessly supporting you, guess again. Spirits are no angles, hence they probably have an agenda of their own.

Secondly, if you open up to their guidance, you are also becoming vulnerable.

By opening up, you leave room for anyone to give you signals, good and bad so don´t follow blindly. Plus, by accepting this path you also accept the challenges that come with it.

But for now, let´s get back to that fairytale wedding because everything looks marvelous after a wedding. Then once the honeymoon is over, the first rays of darkness will be entering through the cracks.

Dionna was that first darks stain on our white wedding.
She was so cute, a little young, but it was that bit of dark despair in her that attracted me.

A little lost soul searching, searching for herself and searching for recognition. And for a young girl to be wooed by the soon-to-be #1 DJ from the club she thinks is so cool, is a boost to the ego.

Nothing wrong with having a gorgeous groupie asking for and getting my attention. I was allowed to flirt and play, but I did not see this coming. Not until it was too late.

Dionna and I frequently spent time together after the club closed. Sometimes with, and sometimes without colleagues, nothing too serious but she started showing up more frequently. Which by itself was not bad, until she started showing up in places she had no right being, like Stephanie's dreams.

Any normal girl would have discarded that dream as a nightmare, but not Stephie.

"We need to talk, last night I was having a very weird dream. Way too lucid to be just a Nightmare. Now I know that we agreed that you can have your little flirts, but is there any girl more serious than just a flirt at the moment?"

Hwe eyes could get so dark, so dark they burn through you, well through me. No escape from that type of darkness it just sucks the truth out of you, like a black hole absorbs the light, lying is futile.

"There might be someone, although it is not serious from my side I have noticed she is visiting a lot more and really enjoys my attention," I answered honestly.

Stephie looked at me as if she could see the girl that I was thinking of:
"Last night there was a girl, in my dreams, wanting to kill me and our baby. Now she did not succeed because she has no clue what she was doing, but she is dangerous. She wants you all to herself."

For a second I thought that crazy just got even crazier, but the tone of voice and the look in her eyes told me something different and so did her voice: "When is she there, I want to talk with her?"

That Friday a pregnant Stephanie showed up at the club. By now she was loved by many and as she did not frequently visit anymore everyone was over the moon seeing the pregnant Misses DJ. Everyone except for one, and that one did show up that night.

I did not even have to point her out, Stephie came up to me and asked if that petite girl on the stage was Dionna. I had not even noticed that she had arrived, but it was here indeed.

Before I knew it both girls were out of my sight and I got a little worried. I had seen some crazy catfights between drunken ladies, imagine if one of them was pregnant and defending the fruit that was growing in her womb.

The longer I did not see any of the two, the more gruesome the possibilities of what could be happening became.

An hour later I turned around to answer someone asking for "Murder on the dancefloor" and to the left of the entrance of the DJ booth I saw them, together. They were dancing in a very intimate way, while the song did invite to do so, this was a bit much and very unexpected.
But at least there was no murder on the dancefloor.


The next morning Stephie told me they had a very good talk, Dionna seemed to have been drifting on emotions and clueless regarding the impact of her actions.

Stephie treated her like a sister and introduced her to the mother of the little covenant that seemed to have been growing within my audience.
Dionna definitely showed potential but needed to receive proper training and understanding of what magic actually can do.

More importantly for us, she also explained that if she would not claim me, or threaten my loved ones, she would stand a better chance to receive my affection.
Threatening my family once more would get her banned from my life. Stephie would make sure of that if I would not do it myself first.

Yes, my wife had a way about her, don´t know what is but by letting me play on a leash she saw an opportunity to keep her enemies closer.

The effect of that approach showed a couple of weeks later when I saw the two of them dancing on the stage. They were dancing awfully close, then I was given a stare by both of them, I looked away smiling for a second. When I checked the stage again they getting overtly affectionate and a minute later they were kissing intensely. I knew this was a menage a deux that I better would not interfere in.

Blinded by the sexuality of this lovely sight I just witnessed,I never realized that this was Stephanie's way of handling things.

It was much later that I saw that it was not only this girl she played with. She was very skilled in probing people, giving them what they ached for, or at least what she thought they were longing for, and more often than not she knew exactly what they thought they wanted.

It worked out wonderfully well with Dionna, she always remained close to me, but Stephie had made sure that the boundaries were clearly marked and she never broke those ever again.

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