Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 11


Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 11

I promised to get back on the fact I mentioned "They" in the previous chapter. They would be in line with the possible DID perspective (dissociative identity disorder), the mental state of my wife was hard to label any other way.

It´s hard to believe that finding out she was a mental case did not alarm me at all.

That I did not even notice it or think about it in everyday life?
That I accepted it as something normal.

Can you imagine finding it normal to have the person you love next to you drifting off? And then, while still sitting next to that same body, all of a sudden you are talking to someone that you have not spoken to in thousands of years?

"Long time no see dear boy."

This was definitely not the Little One, this voice was very different from hers or Dani´s. It was layered with something. She introduced herself very elegantly as the teacher, the lady referred to as She.

Well, to be exact the Little One always referred to her as Zij (which is She in Dutch) and I think it took me another 10 years or so to figure out it was actually Sei.

Long Time No See, were the first words Sei spoke. The first of many, although many are still foggy, waiting to revisit me when the time comes. I was sure we had not met previously, but I sure did not feel like challenging this lady. She had that tone of voice you don´t argue with.

Sei hardly visited as much as the little one. She would never appear for the sheer fun of it. Her appearance also did not require the tell of the dangling feet. She was the second personality I met occupying the body of my love. For those trying to label life, she was the wise self.

Sei had a way about her, don´t know what was, but I hate it to this day that I now have to live without her.

She had this gift of needing only three words to make her whole story pop into my brain (pictures included) as if telepathy was a real thing.

Other times she would give you a whole lecture, that only made sense years later when I finally arrived at the junction in life where her wise words were meant to sprout.

At the same time I was introduced to this Lady, I became aware that in real life (IRL Avant la Lettre) there was some unfinished business between Angle and me.

Not as masculine as you might expect from two guys in their early twenties. A very different stride, if it even was a stride. As far as I can remember there was a lot of respect between us.

Me entering Dani´s life meant me getting to know her friends, who often were his friends as well. None of them ever showed any hostility. Nobody ever blamed me for stealing his girl. Maybe that had been the reason why Dani had treaded so carefully.

The stride I felt was different, as were it between brothers, two opposites, black and white.

Not as black and white as we like to picture things.
Neither is good, nor bad.
Both just have different intentions, different causes, and both are required to keep the equilibrium, the balance of the universe.
Angle and I represented that balance in its most trivial form, the human one.

Don´t you love life´s little ironies, naming the dark side Angle. Unless it was me that represented the dark side, as my last name did hold the word fire.

Somehow I was starting to become aware of Dani being pulled between us, and the feeling she could never fully commit to either one of us. Because while Sei was sent from my past to provide me with ancient teachings, Angle met a totally different character.

That is probably why I believe I represented the white and he the dark, but in the end, it does not really matter.
We are two opposite sides of the same coin, hence sort of similar.
What guided us was extremely different.

Sei truly guided me and showed a lot of affection for me. It came very close to the type of affection a grandmother would show her grandchild, but not exactly.

Just like finding her real name, figuring out who she exactly was, also took me years. Years, and writing a whole book about it.
Yes seriously, almost 300 pages, a story leading back to a life I lived long ago.

It must have been somewhere in the east possibly in the area of what now is called Vietnam or maybe even Japan. Sei made me remember who I was back then.
A man (again), who after an incredible journey returned to his little village hidden in the mountains. Once back he took up his role as a teacher again. A role and a life for which he had fled, but was destined all along.

According to my own research based on the shards of memories I sometimes received, the story was set about 500-800 after the sangrereal had reached the coast of France.

Now the story itself is a nice little tale I might translate one day, but the essence irl is that Sei Minh (as I later recalled her full name) and I had met before.

Minh is a common first and middle name among Vietnamese people. It is derived from the Chinese name Ming, which translates to "bright". While Sei, is a Japanese surname

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This name came to me one day, sprouting in front of my mind's eye. I forgot about it and only recently looked it up. Hard to believe that a bright and brilliant lady had such a well-fitting name.

In that little village in the old east, where people slept on bamboo beds and used rock-hard small flat pillows, there Sei and I met before. She came to me when she was little, she was the first one that greeted me when I returned. She was still so young when she became my apprentice, and look at her now.

When all these pieces clicked yours truly started losing his religion. How in the name of Dante´s Inferno was it possible that one of the multiple personalities was a wise woman that I met many lives ago?

That would require me to believe in past lives, which I didn´t.

And why would a personality created by trauma be shaped in the form of a wise eastern woman? A bright lady that gives classes in a school that is open to many non-physical beings, teaching lessons about things that are known to few, if known at all.

I mean you have all kinds of crazy in this world and I met plenty, but this was beyond crazy. This you could not make up, even if you weren´t in your right mind.

Talking about my mind, the brain fog from meeting Sei was much worse than from Little One. Therefore I looked into this and found that from all people who are in contact with the personalities of a DID-diagnosed not one mentions this brain fog.

Now if you were reading this story from the start, you know I was living in a world where smoking marijuana was kinda normal. Before you get any weird ideas, trust me, that fog and this fog are two different clouds. I am an expert on that other fog. This fog, not so much, even though I have had my share of experience.

The mind is an amazing organ, it holds many secrets and we only uncovered a few. One of them is that hypnosis is real and easy to apply by those who know what they are doing.

Not saying that is what happened, just saying the mind is easily manipulated and it seems my old friend Sei had her masters, otherwise she wouldn´t be teaching in this "Supernatural" school as I came to think about it.

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