S & S Invitational - Rise of the Pixels Edition

Welcome to the Scholar and Scribe Invitational

-Rise of the Pixels Edition-

Happy New Year!
I'm sure all those New Years Resolutions are still holding strong!

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season and are ready for the first Scholar & Scribe Invitational of 2024. We are kicking things off with a bang this year with an exciting collaboration, but more about that later. @grocko is taking a break this week so it has fallen to me to post this one.

Don't worry however, although I haven't posted for a while and my wordsmithing tools have undoubtedly gathered some rust, @grocko, @kemmyb, and @jfuji are keeping me in line! Many thanks to all of them and to everyone that has been keeping the Scholar and Scribe community active and vibrant.

First things first of course, we need to take a peek at our entrants from the last round and hand out some prizes 😉 so let's get into it!

Christmas Invitational Winners

Gold: 50 SCHOLAR, 3 SCRIBE, 2 HSBI, 300 Ecency points

@wrestlingdesires with @wrestlingdesires/the-reindeer-that-wasn-t

Then he saw it, in the distance. A magnificent caribou, its mighty rack gleaming. He approached much more carefully than the last time. This was a mature animal. It radiated health and strength. Before he could get close enough to strike, it trotted away. But it only went a short distance, then seemed to wait for him. This went on seemingly forever. "Won't you ever stay still?" he wondered.

Silver: 40 SCHOLAR, 2 SCRIBE, 1 HSBI, 200 Ecency points

@janaveda with @janaveda/santas-chimney-or-la-chimenea-de-santa-eng-spa

The Grinch groaned just as he rolled over on himself. The plan, which he had worked out in such detail, had failed again, just like the previous ones. But, this was the first time that some intrusive children had handed him over to Santa's servants.

Bronze: 30 SCHOLAR, 1 SCRIBE, 100 Ecency points

@Teknon with @teknon/quest-for-yuletides-star

"What's going on?" The enchantress whispered in the ears of the Great Frost Fairy. She tilted her head weakly to the side so that her eyes were fixed on that of the enchantress. "There's no time. The star of Yuletide has been stolen." She coughed and spat out greenish liquid. "Someone must volunteer to go to the mystical forest of Yuletide to retrieve it, otherwise Christmas will be ruined forever."

Runners Up: 15 SCHOLAR, 50 Ecency points

@jhymi with @jhymi/an-unlikely-night

Stretching out his palm to him, he continued. “Come, I’ve gotten so much for you.” He walked with him in a daze, barely registering the faces of the other people who he supposed were his Christmas family. His eyes were drawn to the magnificent Christmas tree in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of pretty lights and the scores of boxes underneath it.

Thanks to everyone that participated and we hope to see your entries again in our next Invitational! Without further ado lets get into this special Rise of the Pixels edition:

Rules of Engagement (as always)

  • Entries must adhere to the genre AND thematic prompt;
  • Entries must be between 800 and 1500 words.
    Note: this does not include any intro/footer text.
  • You must post your entry in Scholar and Scribe and use the #scholarandscribe tag;
  • Deadline for submission is Wednesday, 17th of January (23.59, GMT + 01);
  • All languages are welcome but MUST include an English translation;
  • Link your entry in the comment section below;

Special Instructions

As this is a special edition of the Invitational and we are working with the Rise of the Pixels team on this one we've got a couple of additional requirements this time around. Rise of the Pixels is a new Hive based game with an intriguing concept that (in our opinion) leaves a lot of space for game lore written by the amazing authors on Hive:

Genre and Theme

The story you submit MUST adhere to the following prompts:

Genre: Sci-fi
Theme: Discovery

For those that want to dive deeper into Rise of the Pixels to help inspire their writing for the invitational or maybe just to check out an exciting new game, check out the additional links below:

Official website: https://riseofthepixels.com/
Game Rulebook: https://rulebook.riseofthepixels.com/
On Hive: @riseofthepixels/
Discord: https://discord.gg/e7cKB3KmsS

Prizes and Goodies

The winners will be announced in two weeks. Winners of what? An astute question. The prizes are as follows:

Gold: 50 SCHOLAR, 3 SCRIBE, 2 HSBI, 300 Ecency points
Silver: 40 SCHOLAR, 2 SCRIBE, 1 HSBI, 200 Ecency points
Bronze: 30 SCHOLAR, 1 SCRIBE, 100 Ecency points
Runner(s) Up: 15 SCHOLAR, other goodies

IN ADDITION- Each participant will get a modest review of their work from the modding team. With the additional opportunity of getting an in-depth critical review if they so choose. 🙂

With a special edition come special prizes right?


In addition to the usual prizes above, the ROTP team will pick its overall favorite entry as well as two runners up. To be very clear these picks may not necessarily align with the winners of the usual prizes.

  • Top Pick A Game Dev Studio License for use in the RotP game (~21.5 HIVE value currently). This unlocks the ability to earn token rewards when the game comes out of Beta and supplies you with a starter pack.

  • Runners up Runners one 8-bit NFT pack each (~8 HIVE value)

Owning packs will also accumulate bonuses while RotP is in Beta mode (read more here: @riseofthepixels/rewards-for-beta-testers-studio-reputation-for-unopened-packs)

Prizes will be redeemable using a coupon code on the main RotP site. Packs are not yet transferable. Packs cannot be opened on the Main server, but you can practice opening them on Beta server. (more info: @riseofthepixels/rise-of-the-pixels-beta-update-1)

Your panel of judges will be @kemmyb and @grocko as always, however the Rise of the Pixels and Scholar and Scribe reps will also review the entries and possibly decide to use one or many entries as inspiration for official game lore, to be eventually incorporated into the dApp!.

RotP is not obligated to take any ideas on board, but the team has made it clear that they are optimistic that there will be ample material to work with. They have made it very clear they will ensure authors receive proper credit for their contributions.

May the odds - and your creative energy - be ever in your favor!

We'd like to give out a big shout-out and thank you to Ecency for sponsoring this contest!

A big thank you to @melinda010100 as well for the seamless communication.

Check out the Ecency front-end and/or mobile app for more information on how to use your points.

Check out our 2022 Scribe of the Year

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About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen. The cover image was designed by @jfuji.

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