Someone's Happy With the New Treats (Unboxing)

Our Arashi was so happy when a package arrived for him. He loves eating treats and this time we got him a new one which is banana and milk in flavor.

He really likes drinking milk and he also enjoys eating banana from time to time as well. So far, his favorite is cheese cube but the seller ran out of stock and just restocked recently so we won't be able to get it until next week.

Despite that, he's so glad to try out his new treat!





He is camera shy, so I had to take the picture from quite a distance or else, he'd jump off the sofa and stay somewhere more hidden. lol
It's really a struggle to take his picture.

Anyway, let's get to the unboxing part and allow me to show you the treats we got for him.





The products are bubble wrapped so they're protected. The NutriPet one is what he's having the pictures earlier. They're a combination of banana and milk and it's good food for snacks. :)

The other one is similar to that of a corned beef. It's milk and beef flavor and we usually feed him this on top of his dog food. He doesn't like eating just dog food... he wants other flavors in it. It's as if the dog food is his rice and the othwr stuff we put is his viand. lol Arashi can be picky, but he likes all the treats from NutriPet and DoggyMan.

We rarely feed him table food because too much would upset his stomach.. however, if the food is safe and is to his liking, he'd definitely ask for more. hahaha



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