In Motherhood: Francine Got Six!


A week ago, our furry lady gave birth to Six healthy puppies! Her first birth of 4 was a failure. I guess they were premature babies hence I provided her some vitamins when I've found out that she was preggy again.

I was counting and calculated that she's about to deliver anytime. She was scratching and was looking around for a nesting place and went to the place where she first gave birth but I blocked it with a plywood because it's under the old chair where I placed some unboxed stuffs and it would be hard to assist her.


Then I heard some tiny squeeks at dawn. Ohhh.. I said, she's got one out already but no, there were already three beside her feet with spots just like her their grandmom!

Ohhh, I said. Finally!She was already cleaning the amutic sac of her baby! Such a wonderful sight of motherhood! It's the mother instinct of animals to do this when they haven't undergone any training like the humans, right?



Then more came out. They were six in all. I let Francine sleep to rest. She refused the rug I placed beside. She's already a full pledged mom!


Isn't it amazing how she was able to align them one by one according to who came first? :)
With the six of them (2 girls and 4 boys) makes Francine hungry all the time that she would bark and whine to let me know she's hungry again! I am forced to stand even at dawn to feed her. afterwards, I'd give her a mug of milk then she would go back to her brood, each crawling excitedly to take position of their ration!

Motherhood is a gift. It is the animal instinct that connects them to us as humans as well.

For me, I breastfed the five of them for 2 years. I guess it's one of the reasons why they don't get sick easily due to the Colostrum.

Colostrum is the first fluid that is rich in nutrients that is being produced right after the birth of mammals. It is filled with tissue repair factors and growth in the immune system of the newborn.

This is all for now, thank you for passing by my page.




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