My naughty little Fantasma [ENG] [ES]

My little but not so little Fantasma, son of my beloved Lisa that I have already shown you previously, he is already quite big and I love him more and more, without any doubt he will stay at home while Catire is waiting to finish setting up his new house (with my sister in law). Today everyone was sleeping but Fasntasma was running like crazy, jumping from one piece of furniture to another, he was really electric and I wanted to play with him for a while and take some pictures, I did my best but he was really crazy and electric, this beautiful kitty is super awesome.

Mi pequeño pero ya no tan pequeño Fantasma, hijo de mi amada Lisa que ya anteriormente les he mostrado ya esta bastante grande y cada vez me enamora mas, sin duda alguna el se quedara en casa mientras que Catire esta esperando terminen de acomodar su nueva casa (con mi cuñada). El día de hoy todos estaban durmiendo pero Fasntasma esta corriendo como loco, saltando de un mueble a otro, estaba realmente eléctrico y quise jugar con el un rato y hacerle unas cuantas fotos, hice mi mejor esfuerzo pero de verdad estaba vuelto loco y eléctrico, es super tremendo este gatito hermoso.

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The patio furniture and the cushions are her new favorite place, but my mother is not a fan of that at all, but out of sight out of mind, so they say hahaha so she doesn't have to know that we played part of the afternoon there today, just look how she plays with the cushions, she bites them and so it goes, I made her walls with the same cushions and her look of amazement or not knowing or not having seen that before was great, she was discovering something new, she was investigating how to get out or bricolage them.

El mueble del patio y los cojines son su nuevo lugar favorito, pero mi madre no es para nada fan de eso, pero ojos que no ven corazón que no siente, asi dicen jajaja asi que ella no tiene porque enterarse que jugamos parte de la tarde hoy allí, solo miren como juega con los cojines, los muerde y asi va, le hice murallas con los mismos cojines y su mirada de asombro o de no saber o haber visto antes eso era genial, estaba descubriendo algo nuevo, investigaba como salir o bricarlos.

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Every day I am falling more in love with this crazy kitty, his witticisms and above all his antics, I hope you liked these photos friends, here last I leave these two that I was going to delete but I decided that better not because for some reason although they are not taken well I like them, greetings friends, see you in the next post.

Yo cada día me voy enamorando mas de este gatito loco, de sus ocurrencias y sobretodo travesuras, espero les hayan gustado estas fotos amigos, acá de ultimo dejo etas dos que iba a borrar pero decidí que mejor no porque por alguna razón aunque no estén tomadas bien me gustan, saludos amigos, nos vemos en el próximo post.

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Account where I upload my personal content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido personal

José Luna

Account where I upload my professional content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido profesional


Cámara utilizada en esta sesión: Huawei p smart 2019
Programa de edición: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Camera used in this session: Huawei p smart 2019
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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