[ENG-ESP] Visiting my cat nephews and brother in their new home! // Visitando a mis sobrinos gatunos y a mi hermano en su nueva casa!

hello friends of Hive Pets! I hope you are really well, a while ago my brother moved from home and finally invited us to meet her. The house didn't really interest me too much, the ones I wanted to see is its 3 cats!

hola amigos de Hive Pets! espero que realmente esten muy bien, hace un tiempo mi hermano se mudo de casa y finalmente nos invitó a conocerla. La casa no me interesaba demasiado la verdad, a los que tenia ganas de ver es a sus 3 gatos!

My brother previously lived for about 10 years now living in a very large house with a patio and trees, so he decided to adopt two cats: Faye and Zeros, so that they could have a free breeding by climbing trees and hunting mice. But unfortunately he had to leave that house and moved to a small apartment for at least 3 years. It was very sad to see how the cats had to go from being in the top of a tree to being squeezed into a sofa. Then Milton joined the family, some people had left him in the building complex and my brother and his partner decided to adopt him. Anyway, all that sad story changed with this new house since they now have a patio to run and climb! so I was very happy to finally see them again to see how they had adapted to the new house.

Mi hermano anteriormente vivia hace ya unos 10 años viva en una casa muy grande con patio y arboles, entonces decidió adoptar dos gatos: Faye y Zeros, para que tengan una criancia libre trepando arboles y cazando ratones. Pero lamenteblemente tuvo que irse de esa casa y se mudó a un pequeño departamento por al menos 3 años. Fue muy triste ver como los gatos tuvieron que pasar de estar en la copa de un arbol a estar apretados en un sofa. Luego se sumó Milton a la familia, unas personas lo habian dejado tirado en el complejo de edificios y mi hermano y su pareja decidieron adoptarlo. En fin, toda esa triste historia cambió con esta nueva casa ya que nuvamente tienen patio para poder correr y trepar! asi que me ponia muy feliz finalmente verlos nuevamente a ver como se habian adaptado a la nueva casa.

When we arrived the cats did not pay us much interest hahaha they were sleeping, that means they were calm! in the previous house when they arrived they ran to hide, they never felt comfortable. So that was a good sign! Then little by little they got closer and began to look at what we were doing, we were in full confidence :)

Cuando llegamos los gatos no nos prestaron mucho interes jajajaj estaban durmiendo, eso significa que estaban tranquilos! en la casa anterior cuando llegabanos ellos corrian a esconderse, no se sentian comodos nunca. Asi que eso fue una buena señal! Luego poco a poco se fueron acercando y se pusieron a mirar lo que nosotros haciamos, estabamos en plena confianza :)

While we waited for the pizza to finish baking, Faye, who was the worst cat in the previous house, even played with us! I could not believe it!

Mientras esperabamos que la pizza se termine de hornear Faye, que era la gata que peor la estaba pasando en la casa anterior, incluso jugó con nosotros! no lo podia creer!




and finally while we ate the pizza the 3 cats approached us to see if they could eat some of what we were eating hahaha
because the pizzas had tuna, so we invited them a little and they went to continue sleeping

y finalmente mientras comiamos la pizza los 3 gatos se acercaron a nosotros a ver si podian comer algo de lo que nosotros estabamos comiendo jajaja porque las pizzas tenian atun, asi que les convidamos un poquito y se fueron a seguir durmiendo

I am very happy to see my cat nephews happy again, I hope they stay in that house for the rest of their lives.

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch

Estoy muy feliz de ver nuevamente felices a mis sobrinos gatunos, espero se queden en esa casa lo que les resta de vida. Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch
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