Stories of our little angels contest - The life of Rusty

Contest Link: @hive-196708/stories-of-our-little-angels-contest-200-hive-prizes

Oh wow, what a subject to be introduced to this community with!

Those that know me from Steemit will know just how passionate I am about my Bulldogs (Bullies). My whole life is designed and run around them, making them comfortable, healthy and happy pooches.

When I came across this contest, I really didn't think I could write about the loss of my beloved fur babies as I still get so emotional when I even mention their names, but I am pushing myself to share with you all to show just how much I loved and still love my departed pets.

Last year, I lost 2 of my babies. Rusty was 14 years old and was an English Cocker Spaniel, yes that's right, I own other breeds too 😀

I also lost my special girl, Ellie Bear, my 4 year old Bulldog; but I can't write about Ellie yet. It is way too soon to even think about the awful events that surrounded her death and breaks my heart when I think of her. Hopefully one day I will be able to come to terms with it enough to be able to share with you what happened properly.

But for now, I want to celebrate the wonderful life of Rusty and just how much joy she brought to me over the years.


I rescued Rusty when she was just 6 weeks old from a puppy farm, living in terrible conditions. She was one of multiple breeds, caged up on a farm yard. With no parents in sight, just crates and crates of dogs lined up outside for sale, it felt just like you were shopping for shoes at a shopping mall.

I was so horrified by what I saw. I thought by taking her out of the horrible conditions, I was helping to rescue her. I have since learned more about puppy farming and understand that all I did was provide revenue for the puppy farmers to continue doing this and perpetuate the cycle. But at the time, I wasn't aware of the awful trades that still happen today in this country, and thought I was helping.

She was a beautiful and happy girl, her tail always wagging to show you just how happy she was to see you.

I took her everywhere with me. We went on holidays, shopping, walking in woodlands and over farmland. There was nowhere that she didn't go with me. Her favorite place in the world was up at the lagoons close to where I live. She was a true water baby, living up to her ancestral breeding as a working dog.


Cocker Spaniels typically suffer with their ears and ear infections. Rusty was no exception. I must have taken her for treatment at least 4 times a year for the first 8 years of her life! By then, she was completely deaf due to infections and scar tissue, and had to have her ear canals removed, but that didn't bother Rusty.

I taught her to react to hand signals, rather than voice commands. This was great! We had a way of communicating without having to shout across a field. If I raised my hand in the air, she knew she had to sit and wait for me!

This worked well most of the time... unless there was a particularly interesting squirrel that she could smell 😂


She was a true companion dog and loved to be on your knee, soaking up the love. She wasn't too fond of the other dogs, so she had special treatment and was allowed to sleep on my bed upstairs in her older years, so that she could be comfortable and get some peace and quiet!

Last year, she was diagnosed with bladder cancer and sadly passed away only a month later, but she had a fabulous 14 years by my side at every moment. I will miss her always and forever xxx

RIP Rusty <3


Special Mentions: Thank you to those who have supported me coming back to blogging on the Hive platform, I am looking forward to making new friends and starting new beginnings!

@livinguktaiwan @steevc @slobberchops @article61 @ryivhnn @meesterboom @teamhumble @nickyhavey @karenb54 @sherylneil @crosheille to name just a few!

Much love, C and the bullies xx

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