𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓝𝓾𝓶𝓫𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓹𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭.

Ok Im feelin much more betterer today.
Not a typo.

While trying to think up what I was gonna write about today I realised something. Something so Important I cant believe I never shared my knowledge.

I realised I've never really talked about my interest in Crypto as a general Rule on here. Not sure why after all if you follow my trading strategy your guaranteed to come out on top at some stage.

But trading secrets are hard won in this wen moon, wen lambo market.

Crypto, You're on HIVE so you must have some interest. You know the money of the future.


See all this paper stuff is fuckin useless.

So here's the skinny, The lowdown, A fool proof plan and explanation of my setup.

Essentially all I try to do is buy when the price is High, and when it drops fast and hard by about 50% I panic sell. Its ok because I always buy back in once its gone up again.

I can generally keep my Daily PNL in the Red. Sometimes I fuck up and it goes Green which is cause for concern.

I'm not sure why I have such a poor track record, But I'm sure I'll make it all back once SHIB hits a dollar.

I guess My favourite thing about my crypto portfolio is watching lots of charts on Youtube and pretending I understand what I'm looking at.

Hive PR.png

Inverse Head and shoulders, The Camel Hump, Cup and handle, One testicle smaller than the other. These are all signs of everything going to the moon!

I spent weeks learning the Slang, HODL, DEFI, DEX, NFT and all of the memes. I follow all the best tweets so I know when things have pumped and they are now safe to buy.


Forget about that blurry gold and silver!

So out of My love for crypto and in my infinite wisdom as a shit hot, self proclaimed Crypto genius allow me to share a poem I just wrote about crypto with you.

It might change your life!

To be read in the tone of Dr. Seuss

The Misadventures Of Numbnuts in Cryptoland.

There once was a man who lived in Cryptoland
Buying in to every token, no matter how scammy or bland.
Every day a click of a button away from life changing gains.
Rug pulls galore and guaranteed anxiety and pain
Simply do your research, Not financial advice they say
But miss out on a one thousand X return, No way.

Missing this once in a lifetime chance is a sin
So Numbnuts decided to go all in
Selling His Car, His things and all his sons toys
He bought 50 grands worth, rubbing his hands with joy
Soon to the moon we shall go ladies and gents
Watching it ever creep up by .00001 cents

Then tragedy struck the charts were all wrong
It crashed to the floor harder than King Kong

But surely its Fine its just a healthy retrace
A drop of Six Hundred percent is common place
It'll recover and soon you'll see
Then Lambos Galore for you and me

But then it sank further and the reality set
The only option left was to cry with regret
Poor old Numbnuts was well and Truly stuck
He spent His Life savings, only to get fucked.

So next time your tempted to completely let loose
Remember poor Numbnuts now swinging from a Noose
Only invest what you can afford to lose
Just remember poor Numbnuts...
Sailing the Styx on a Crypto Bought Cruise.

Please note, I really shouldn't even have to say this...
Honestly This is like Writing attention Hot on a Coffee cup. Do I really need to add this?

Ugh... fuck it Fine, Fine. I can't afford a lawyer anyway.

Not Financial Advice, Do you're own Research.

26 days and feeling much happier. I seem to have lost the fun lately and it started to feel like work. So I fired myself.

I decided I'm going to have a bit of fun on this 30 posts in 30 days. I'm going to do a post 31, and a giveaway on the 31st post, cause some months have 31 days or so I've been told.

In spite of my rough and ready appearance I'm an Antique dealer I know I already said it I'm feeling like a broken record...

So it'll probably be old shit in your mailbox.

Stay tuned and engage down below . For every post from day 1 if you comment on it you will get one entry and a chance to win.

Then at the end of the 30 posts, on day 31 There will be a random raffle you will get a chance to win....

Really cool old shit.

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